~| a future without you is a world without colour

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Jungkook woke up to a weird smell and a ticklish feeling against his nose. But it was soft and warm, and his first instinct was to rub his face against the object in front of his face. Or more like - against the kitten.

His eyes opened and, indeed, the sight before him was of a small, black ball of fur cuddled against the crook of his neck.

"Hey, little one," Jungkook mumbled, still sleepy. He put his palm against the kitten's back and gently rubbed his thumb across the soft fur.

The cat looked back, right eye beautifully brown while the left one was slightly lighter in shade.

"We should take you to a vet, so that he can help you get better. Will you come with?"

The kitten meowed quietly and rubbed his tiny head against Kook's jaw. The human smiled and cooed, deeply affected by the trust this tiny animal gave him.

"Don't think you loving up to me will change the fact that we need to get you checked out, little one." He sat up in bed, kitten pressed against his chest. "I want you to get better, okay?"

Jungkook rubbed behind its right ear and headed to the kitchen. He prepared some tuna for the kitten and, to not let it out of his sight, took the animal with him to the bathroom. Kook put the kitten on the sink counter while he quickly did his business, and watched as the little furball ate while he brushed his teeth afterwards. Soon enough he was ready to head out. Jungkook didn't bother to eat breakfast.

While in the car, Jungkook called his work, explaining the situation he was suddenly facing and promised to be back at work in a few days. His manager - Kim Namjoon - was a little shocked that Jungkook had requested free days, because the young man never did that. Jungkook's manager allowed him to take some days off, and listened to about a hundred thank yous that Kook sent his way before they ended their conversation. Namjoon was the most amazing and understanding manager Jungkook had ever hoped for.

Kook didn't have a cat carrier, so he took the animal into his large palm and pressed the tiny kitten against his chest as he exited the vehicle and headed to the vet clinic's door.

"Behave, okay?" He gently asked before leaving a small peck on the crown of its head and opening the door in front of him.

It was not a busy morning for the clinic. Only a few patients (animals ofc.) that got their check-ups done in no time before Jungkook managed to enter a smaller, isolated room in which a veterinarian was waiting for the both of them.

"Hello," Jungkook greeted the handsome man who turned their way and focused his eyes on the quivering kitten in Kook's arms.

"Good morning," the vet smiled in a boxy way, and motioned for Jungkook to put the kitten on the table between them. "My name is Kim Taehyung, and who is this little fella?"

The vet's eyes didn't leave the little kitty who was cuddled up on itself, not even trying to run from the situation at hand. Mr. Kim's eyes widened for a split second, after which he glanced from the kitten to Jungkook and back again.

"It looks like something gave the animal quite an injury, was it you, perhaps?"

Jungkook frowned. "What? Of course not! I found it yesterday." He shook his head, "Actually, I saved it. I saw someone throw a bag inside the river last night and inside of it was this pretty baby here." Kook petted the little furball again. Smiling in contentment at its relaxing state.

"Would you mind waiting outside as I do a few checkups?"

Jungkook frowned again. "Can't I stay inside?"


Kook nodded and glanced at the kitten. "I'll be back soon, okay?"

It meowed, as if agreeing to the man's statement, and, after that, Jungkook (gradually) left the room.

His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now