~| i want you to believe in me

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Been a moment, I know
I sarang you~~💜💜


The privilege of working from home had come to an end, and Jungkook was gathering his things to leave for work. His kitten - watching over his every move.

It was Monday morning. His team-lead Kim Namjoon had called him on Saturday (which he usually didn't do), and informed Jungkook that he expected him to be back on Monday.

Meaning that from the start of the week Kook would have to leave his black, beautiful kitty unattended for more than an hour straight.

He made sure that everything in his house was extra secure. The little one had enough food and water, and that every window was closed so that the kitty wouldn't accidentally climb out, slip and fall.

Jungkook carried the cat around in his arms everywhere he could, charging himself up on the cuteness before he had to leave. He couldn't get enough of the soft fur and cute purrs the animal omitted while in his hold. If he could, the man would take it with him.

"I'll be going now, okay?" He gave the fur ball another kiss on the head. "My little prince."


"I know, I know. I'm sorry, kitt---" he scratched behind its ear. "Hmm. We should probably figure out how to call you as well. Maybe a name will come to me while at work," he giggled. "I'll be back in the evening. Don't do anything bad, okay?"

Meow, meow.

The young man smiled and put the kitty on the ground. He could have sworn he saw a tiny glint of mischief in its right eye.

"Bye, little one!"

He didn't want to leave, Jungkook was fully against it. But he had no choice.

With another look at the tiny, black furball, he stepped out of his apartment and, flashing an encouraging smile, closed the door between himself and his pet.

Jungkook sighed, locking up. He turned his back to the door and left, hoping that everything would be fine with his cute home-alone kitten.

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The door closed behind Jungkook, leaving the apartment in complete silence. The black cat tiptoed to it, putting his right ear to the cold surface, listening to the fading steps of his new owner. It took another 2 minutes to be completely sure that Jungkook had left for good, and then---

A tiny growl growing louder, some shuffling and thumps, a sound of what felt like naked knees hitting the ground, and a groan of discomfort.


Park Jimin moaned, forehead pressed against the cold wooden floor, his injured left hand cradled against his chest. It had been a while since he stood on only two legs (not counting the nightly looking at the moon). So his posture was wobbly at best, making him fall down only after two steps.

A nauseating feeling overwhelmed him. His stomach twisted and its content threatened to spill over his lips.

He knew what was coming.

Getting up from the floor in haste, Jimin dashed to the bathroom as quickly as his human legs could take him, already retching along the way.

The lid of the toilet banged open from the force he used to get that shit out of the way, and the moment his face was over the rim, he gagged.

After a few ugly gasps and puking sounds, he finally threw up what had been bothering him for a while now.

A goddamn fur ball.

"Fuck, that's disgusting!"

A whole week of cleaning himself 'the cat way' instead of taking a shower... Jimin shuddered. There was nothing that made him more repulsed than throwing up his own fur.

After a few more spits, Jimin flushed the toilet and closed the lid, and slowly managed to get up on his two feet. He sighed, and without looking at the mirror, twisted the tap over the sink, washing away the taste of disgusting vomit. He washed his face as well, not wanting, but realising that it was time to also open his eyes.

It was time to finally acknowledge what those bastards had done to him, so Jimin turned his gaze to the mirror above the bathroom sink.

His eyes almost watered from the sight.

Still, the same hybrid boy he'd always been looked back at him, but now he was damaged beyond belief. Nothing could return him to the way Jimin had looked before. His left ear was half gone, and it still hurt when it twitched as he focused on different sounds. And his left eye... He was almost blind.


He should just run away and go die in a dirty alley or something. Or better yet - drown in that fucking river they threw him in.

Jimin sniffed himself, grimacing at his armpit in disbelief.

Seems like all the licking never did any good.

With quick movements he turned on the shower and stepped below the warm flow of clean water.

He sighed in content.

Jimin wondered why Jungkook took him in in the first place. The man was too kind for his own good. He didn't even know Jimin wasn't a cat. Best would be to leave the human as soon as possible and never come back.

But the thought of the smiling young man coming back home to find an empty apartment somehow stopped him from that.

The kindness which radiated from Jungkook, the warm, charming smiles, and the cute giggles... The murmurs of assurance and gentle strokes of his hands, as well as the soft kisses...

Jimin couldn't leave him.

It was the first time he experienced such affection. And he wanted more.

Deep inside, he wanted to be cared for. To be loved and appreciated...

...by Jungkook.

Yes, he'll stay with the human. In his cat form for now, until he feels confident that Jungkook won't kill or report him, when he finds out the truth. And, hopefully, when Jimin finally reveals to Jungkook that he's a hybrid, his new owner would allow him to stay and would give him the love Jimin needs.

If the man would have him.

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His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now