~| in the city at dusk

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Hello lovelies, let's make this overly dramatic, lmao. This is ending soon. Partially because I don't really know what else to write here, and partially because I'm moving on to new stuff. Stories need to be told. And it's hard to tell them if the old ones keep popping up to remind about themselves. This ending gonna suck tho (not for jikook, tho, calm down). I hate my dumb brain.


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"We are going fishing in a few. You wanna come with?"

Jimin gulped. He'd love to come, would love to spend as much time with his human as he could, but the thought of being anywhere near the water made him nauseous.

He still recalled the cold river surface that crashed against his struggling cat form that fateful night when Jungkook had found him. Saved him. He sometimes dreamt about darkness and rushing of water, the taste of the dirt in his mouth. Had nightmares of himself drowning in that bag and no Kook in sight. Those were the nights when Jimin cried and screamed, nights when Jungkook had to wake him up and cradle the scared hybrid in a warm embrace, murmuring soft words of encouragement and reassurance that everything was all right.

There was no need to make the memories worse.

"N-no," the hybrid gasped, retreating in his form, and violently shook his head. If his ears and tail were out and about they'd be twitching in distress from the thought of water alone.

Jungkook had no problem understanding why his little prince did not want to go anywhere near the surface of the lake, so he didn't budge. He was glad Jimin came on this trip with him and the stress of his friends finding out he was a hybrid was enough for them already. "Then stay here, okay? If you decide to walk around, please be careful."

The hybrid smiled, stepping right next to the man just to feel his warmth. "Okay. Don't worry."

Kook leaned down, smiling at his other half and nuzzled against Jimin's cheek. The kitten letting out a soft purr before he could catch himself.

With a giggle and a soft kiss on his lips, Jungkook stepped away. "I won't be too long, my sweet. Maybe we can go exploring the woods together later. Look for berries or something."

That eased his nerves and gave Jimin something (apart from freshly caught fish) to look forward to. He kept the calmness with him for the next forty minutes, as he occupied himself with gathering a few more logs for the evening's fire and creating cute drawings on the ground with a dainty stick. He was about to crawl into their tent and maybe take a sweet nap - cats sleep a lot, after all - when Yoongi's voice made him pause.


The hybrid looked over his shoulder, meeting gazes with the human.

"They sent me to catch some beers and another bucket for us, can you help me carry them?"

For a moment, Jimin went silent, thinking about his options. How can he really tell a human that he was scared to go on the footbridge because he instantly remembered the time other humans tried to kill him.

But at the same time - Jungkook was there. And 40 minutes alone doing nothing but waiting for him to return had made the cat boy lonely. Jimin wanted to see him. And it was Kook's friend who was asking for help, not some random human. it would be impolite to decline.

But Jimin was scared. He did not know how to swim, and open waters were nothing he wanted to experience ever again.

Unfortunate for the kitty as it was, his choice was determined by Yoongi, due to Jimin being so silent for far too long. "Just take this and come with. You can go take a nap in no time," Jungkook's friend smiled and handed Jimin an empty bucket with a gummy smile on his face. Yoongi himself picked up an icebox cooler filled with beers and headed towards the lake, expecting Jimin to follow.

His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now