~| looking only directly at you

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It's been a week and a half of Jimin chilling around the house when Jungkook leaves for work, and the hybrid was not disappointed. He had never been better, actually.

He finally had time to take care of his body and heal as much as he could. Jimin took regular showers and exercised each day. He stole small portions of leftover food when the want for something normal struck him, but also ate the canned crap-food Jungkook left for him.

Jimin didn't want to look suspicious. And neither ungrateful. He owned Jungkook everything.

Even if the cat food tasted disgusting.

When Jungkook had come home that first day, Jimin truly had been very excited to see the young, handsome man again. Those nine hours he was gone were hard to live through without all the cuddling and loving Jungkook had showered Jimin in while he worked from home.

The human had picked the black cat up from the ground and spun Jimin around, kissing all over his tiny face. And after he told him how much he had missed his little one, Jungkook pouted and apologized that he had not thought of a name for the kitty yet.

Ten days later and the name still hadn't come.

One night Jungkook had mused, while playing with Jimin on the bed, that perhaps his cute pet already had a name. One he didn't know. And Jungkook just didn't want to give him one that would not suit him.

Funny enough, pet names like kitty and little one suited the fur ball well enough, in Jungkook's opinion. For now, at least. And Jimin didn't mind.

As long as at the end of the day he was allowed to snuggle in the crook of his human's neck and feel safe, he didn't mind at all.

Stepping out of the shower, Jimin smiled to himself as he thought about the rumble in Jungkook's chest, as the man shifted in his bed while sleeping. Sexy.

A soft wave of heat rushed through the hybrid's body, but after a soft whimper from his lips, it went away.

"Shit..." Jimin mumbled, taking the towel to dry himself off.

Jimin's heat was coming - he knew it from the wave that had hit him just now. And based on the intensity of it, the hybrid had about a week to figure out how to deal with it.

He rubbed the towel over his body, getting rid of the wetness. He hated water, it made him feel, well, wet. In the worst way possible.

As he grumbled in distress, Jimin's gaze travelled over his lean frame and across the glint of abs he somehow managed to get back, until it fell onto his private area.

He scoffed.

He did not have a chilli pepper sized dick. That asshole of a vet, that Kim Taehyung, should talk less about other hybrids' dicks and focus more on his own problems. Whatever the hell they were, Jimin didn't care that much.

What he did care about, was that Taehyung had known he was a hybrid. That was actually why the vet had asked Jungkook to step outside. So that Jimin could shift into his human-like form and they could discuss what the hell had happened to him.

Not like the hybrid told him. Really, there was not much to tell.

They settled on Jimin staying with Jungkook, as he assured Taehyung that the man was one of the good guys. Jimin thought that he and the vet had struck a mutual agreement in the end. That he would not say anything to compromise his stay with Jungkook.

But then he had to go and make fun of Jimin's dick in front of his new owner...

"That bitch..."

Okay. Jimin did admit that the size was not as big as Jungkook's. The hybrid actually felt another heatwave go through him when he thought of his human's length. From the perspective of a tiny cat, it had looked like a giant.

Sighing, Jimin wondered how he would survive the need to mate while Jungkook paraded around the house half-naked...

It would be the worst heat of his life.

The hybrid boy patted through the apartment completely bare and stopped at Jungkook's closet to find the shirt he had grown to love. It had Jungkook's scent all over the white fabric, and Jimin spent every day nestled in the comforter of the bed or on the couch, breathing the aroma in while he missed the man.

Now he was on the sofa again, munching on a packet of half-eaten chips from yesterday's evening, and watching some dumb melodrama on Jungkook's big screen TV.

He was so into chewing and rolling his eyes due to another cheesy one-liner that Jimin didn't hear the sound of a door being unlocked and opened.

He only heard it shut and a familiar voice saying, "Little prince, I'm back!"

Panicking, the only thing he managed to do was shift back into his cat form, before Jungkook was already in the doorway, brows nestling into a deep frown.


Jimin mowed.

He also cringed internally. He was on the bed, surrounded by a bag of chips and Jungkook's white T, while a TV played in the background.

However the fuck will this be explained?

"What the..."

Jungkook moved further in, taking the remote and turning off the TV.

"Did I really leave it on?" he mused, scratching his neck.


His owner looked at Jimin, hunching over to pick the kitty up into his arms. It was an instant reaction from Jimin's body, as the hybrid nestled against Jungkook's chest and rubbed his head on his collarbone.

"Did you miss me that much, little one?" the man chuckled, leaving a kiss behind Jimin's ear.

Yes, yes he did miss him.

"And what about this?" Jungkook picked up his shirt. "Did you miss me so much that you took my shirt with you?"

Actually, not a bad idea.

Jimin meowed as if he agreed and climbed higher in the human's hold. He rubbed his face all over his owner's neck, leaving a scent, marking Jungkook as his.


"Let's go, my prince. We need to unpack the groceries and check if everything is in order." Jungkook moved to the front door where bags of food and drink sat waiting for them both. "Some friends are coming over. They want to meet you."

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His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now