~| this place you have given me, even now

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Jungkook woke up confused. The first thing that resonated in his brain, even before he opened his eyes, was the little mewls that were produced right against his ear.

The second thing he felt was a male body on top of him.

Instantly, his eyes flew open, but there was only darkness, indicating that it was still nighttime, as he blinked himself awake.

Kook felt the body grind against him. He heard another moan. He saw a tail--


A black, long tail was swinging from side to side, hovering over the male that laid on him. That kept grinding on him.

"Master," the unfamiliar voice breathed against his ear, and that finally kicked Jungkook into motion.

He gathered his strength in his hands and shoved the body off of him. He heard the man fall to the ground with a surprised yelp and whine in pain.

"Wh-who the f-fuck are you?"

The anger overtook his mind, not liking at all the fact that some random stranger was touching him while he was asleep.

He glared at the crumpled figure. The man was almost naked. The only cloth on his body was a white shirt - Jungkook's shirt. Jungkook's blood boiled when he recognised the material. He watched as the stranger gathered himself and sat on his legs right there on the floor, looking up in desperation.

Jungkook was stunned, breathing definitely. He still couldn't comprehend what was happening. He still couldn't take his eyes off the fluffy ears and twisting tail that seemed to be attached to the male's body. That seemed to be a part of him...

"Who are you?"

"Master, I'm-- I'm sorry," the stranger cried, tiny hands clenched into fists.

Jungkook remembered him now. It hit like a wave - the dream he had. The dream where he saw this male on his balcony, the same tail and ears, just a different shirt.

But this shirt was the one his kitten liked to snuggle in when he was not home.



Jungkook looked around the room, trying to focus as well as he could. "Where is my cat?" he demanded.

The man, still on the floor, whimpered.

"What have you done with my kitten?" Jungkook was out of bed and the first thing he did was go to the light switch.

Blinking to adjust to the sudden light, Kook stomped to the male and grabbed his thin arm. He yanked him to his feet and was about to yell the same questions again, until he noticed the other's eyes.

The boy, because he truly looked like a teen, was crying. The fluffy, black ears were pressed to his head as if in fright. He was whimpering because of the tight grip Jungkook had on his arm, saying "Please, don't hurt me."

But the eyes.

The eyes were what made Jungkook pause.

Those were his kitten's eyes. One dark brown, the other - slightly whiter, as if damaged.


"M-ma-master, please don't hurt me," the boy whispered again.

His face was fully wet from his tears, nose a little runny, lips trembling. His body was no better. His whole frame looked unhealthy, tremors going through it, legs squeezed together as if in great pain.

He couldn't believe what was happening. Jungkook didn't understand.

One of his hands, without much thought, lifted to the other's fluffy ears and stroked the right one. The ear twitched.


More tears came, and the stranger squeezed his eyes shut.

"Please don't throw me out! Please," he started begging. "Master please don't," the boy's knees buckled beneath him and he was on the ground again, hands grabbing Jungkook's legs in desperation. "I'll do anything, I swear! Master," the sobbing was endless. "I beg you--"

"I'm not your master."

The boy looked up. His voice was no more than a whisper, "But you're my owner..."

"What?" Jungkook was shook. "No! Don't call me that!"

"Please don't leave me!" He grabbed all over Jungkook's legs, leaning up just so Kook could see the sincerity of that gaze. "Please don't throw me out! Please~! Jungkook--"

"Kitten, stop!"



Jungkook broke away from him, stepping back, so that he can take a look in full.

The boy was frozen in place. His face was covered in tears, droplets still harshly spilling out and rolling down his pink cheeks. Lips trembled, but he kept silent.

Jungkook gulped. "Who are you... exactly?"

"I'm..." it looked like the boy wanted to hide on the spot - that's how noticeably he curled in on himself; both tail and ears flattened against his tiny frame. "I'm a hybrid," his voice was low. "A c-cat hybrid."

Kook sucked in a sharp breath. Due to the extremities the boy had, he kind of expected the answer, but it didn't mean it was less shocking to hear it out loud.

"Oh please, no, master, don't throw me away!" The boy - his kitten - kept crying. "Please! I'll do anything you need, I swear--"

"I'm not-- I'm not throwing you out," Jungkook breathed, heart clenching at the broken words. "Calm down."

The relief on his face was palpable. The eyes got more teary once again, but this time with gratitude. "Thank you! Master, thank you so--"


He regretted his words immediately. Jungkook hated how the boy tried to hide his head between his shoulders, as if scared Kook would hurt him.

The man sighed, and slowly approached him. "Little one," he started and was astonished that he immediately looked up in answer. "Come here," Jungkook helped the hybrid boy stand. He watched as he tried to find balance, clutching Kook's forearms for support. But when Jungkook noticed how he squirmed and clutched his legs together, the man frowned again. "What's wrong with you?"

The smaller's voice trembled. "I'm in heat..."

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Hahahahahaaaaa~ imma stop here because I can!

His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now