~| wherever i have to go, i'll find you

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Jimin listened.

Against his better judgement, the hybrid listened to what Jungkook asked and a second later he was in his human body. Legs on either side on Jungkook, straddling the man, as a shiver ran down his spine from the sudden coldness on his skin. Yet again, the hybrid had grown too used to his fur...

Jimin was embarrassed by his nakedness even before Jungkook realized that he could see everything. So the moment he felt the change complete, Jimin hurried to hide his face in Kook's neck, covering his burning cheeks.

"Please don't look," he murmured.


The man was stunned. Jungkook didn't know where to put his arms, now when he suddenly had a lot of white, smooth skin all over himself. Everywhere he looked, he could see skin. And everything he saw, he wanted to touch. Kook hovered his greedy hands above Jimin's back for a couple of heartbeats, before he slowly lowered them on the hybrid's thighs.

At first, Jimin flinched by the touch but relaxed as he felt Kook press a soft kiss on his shoulder. His hands were warm on the naked body, and Jungkook's lips - gentle as they pressed and travelled over Jimin's collarbone up to the smaller's jaw.

"I didn't want to turn right here, because I would not have a shirt on," he tried to explain, breath hitching with every tiny peck Jungkook left on his skin.

"Yes, I-- I see that now," he left another kiss on that long, beautiful neck and leaned his head back.

He tried to control himself. After all, there was a reason he wanted to talk to Jimin. Having him naked and above his crotch in no way helped his concentration.

Even though he wanted to be a gentleman, Jungkook liked this position too much to let go of the moment so soon. So he released the firm grip he had on Jimin's thick thighs and moved his hands to the hybrid boy's face. He cupped Jimin's jaw and made him look into Kook's eyes.

"I've been a jerk to you this week. I'm sorry. I think..." Jungkook searched all over Jimin's face, not at all bothered by the left eye or the tears that started to stick to the boy's eyelashes. "I think I was too overwhelmed by you."

"So you're not mad?"

"Of course not!" Kook shook his head and made Jimin lean closer to him. "How can I be mad at you, kitten? You're perfect."

And that made Jimin burst into tears. It seemed that all he did was cry over Jungkook. But this time it was different because what Kook said made the hybrid happy.

"Hey," the man caressed his cheeks. "Don't cry baby, don't cry." A soft smile spread over Jungkook's face when he understood those tears were not of pain. "But, please, tell me. Why did you stop turning into a human? Was that because of me?"

Jimin didn't want to tell him about his insecurities. But he still nodded.


"Because I'm ugly," he cried. "You didn't even want to touch me when I was out of my fur. I thought that-- I thought that if I stayed a-a-a cat, you would love me."

Was it possible to hear your own heart break in half inside your chest? Because Jungkook sure thought he heard it.

"Yo-you're not-- You're not ugly, Jimin. Every part of you is precious. You glow like the sun in my eyes no matter which form you are in. I adore you. You are adorable. I love your cat form, and I can't keep my hands away from your human form. I didn't want to touch you, because I thought, if I did, I would not let go anymore. And I didn't want to take advantage of you... Even now, look, you are naked in my lap. And I couldn't be happier."

His cheeks turned crimson red when Jungkook said that. And fingers trembled over Jungkook's neck.

"God, you're beautiful," Kook breathed and made their lips collide.

He kissed with slow passion but was fully aware of Jimin's actions. Jungkook was prepared to let him move away from him if Jimin did not want the kiss to happen.

But the hybrid stayed. He entwined his hands around Kook's neck, actually, and moaned against the human's lips, fully succumbing to the pleasure Jungkook's lips provided. Jimin didn't want the kiss to end.

"Wait," Kook whispered against his lips, and after a few other bites, pulled away. "Let's not rush, little one, all right?"

Jimin's ears dropped flat on his head instantly. "I'm sorry, I--"

Jungkook shushed him. "You have nothing to be sorry for. It is me who rushed into this. But I don't want that. I don't want you to think that I'm using you for sex."

"But... Are you?"

"Of course not!"

"Then it's fine, isn't it?"

Jungkook wanted to say yes, but he didn't. Because he wanted to take care of his kitten first, before he asked him to give his body to Kook.

"It will be," he pecked Jimin's lips one more time. "I promise."

His kitten smiled brightly, eyes turning into crescent moons. "Okay," he whispered.

This was not the first time Jungkook saw the smile, but he wasn't complaining. And it was so contagious that the male smiled back just as brightly.

"Your smile takes my breath away, Jimin. You are gorgeous."

Again, the blush was back on his cheeks and spread down to his neck and upper chest. Kook's eyes travelled that far, but he stopped himself before he could go further.

Jungkook looked to both sides till he located the blanket on the right from him, and used it to cover Jimin's body. Then he gently removed the hybrid from his lap and settled him on the couch.

"Wait here, I'll get you some clothes," he rose to his full height. "And how about we order some food, mm? What would you like?"

Jimin was excited. "Umm... Can we have something with fish?"


The boy smiled, eyes alight with happiness. "Sushi!"

Kook took that as a yes. He leaned down to kiss Jimin's temple, whispering an okay before he headed to his bedroom's closet to get Jimin some clothes.

° •. ° • ° • . ★ . • ° • ° .• °

U greedy. Here. Enjoy. I hope u understand that this quickness will most likely end together with next week. Cuz I'll be back at work.

(might have some grammar mistakes)

Also, this story is supposed to be cute. So don't expect me to write any BIG plotline for it. This is for your and my uwus only. So that kokoro goes doki doki.
Thanks for understanding (~ ̄³ ̄)~

I sarang you~~💜💜

His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now