~| i hold my unfulfilled wish within my heart

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For those who missed it (or forgot) - the previous chapter now does NOT end with Jungkook catching Jimin as he falls. (sorry, not sorry) cuz i changed it.
Thanks to wtpd being, well, wtpd, we first had some sync issues, but hopefully, they are not resolved.

I sarang you~~💜💜

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Where was he?

Jungkook had just returned from the circus he and Taehyung had orchestrated, just to find no one next to the tree where he had parted with Jimin just some 15 minutes ago.


Jungkook looked around, panting heavily from the short jog he had taken to get back there quicker.

"Kitten, where are you?"

There was no answer. Apart from the background noise of people enjoying their day, the young man heard nothing. No rustle of leaves, no meow, no purr.

"Kitt-- Jimin?"

A dreadful feeling started to gather in Jungkook's chest, as he tried and tried to locate the tiny black cat that possessed his heart. He looked inside the fox's inclosure, trying to find the hybrid, but saw no one. Kook thoroughly examined the tree branches above him, for maybe Jimin had still not come down. He somehow thought that he might find a naked boy up there, ears twitching and tail swirling around while he grinned down at the other.

But Jimin wasn't there.

And the fox hybrid was missing, too.

"Where are you, little one?"

It felt like days had passed - but actually no more than two hours - of Jungkook and Taehyung going around the Zoo, looking for Jimin.

"Any luck?" the vet asked, nearing Jungkook at the zoo's entrance.

"No," the man practically choked out. He felt the tears coming to bite at his widened eyes, and Jungkook tried real hard to push them back down. He really tried.

A single drop still managed to roll down his cheek, right as Tae revealed the same, "Me too. I didn't see either of them."

With his heart beating in frustration, Jungkook wiped the teardrop away, not understanding how something like this could have happened.

"Where is he?"

"We'll find him, Jungkook."

Shallow breaths escaped him while Kook tried not to think the absolute worst. "What if he's hurt?" What if he fell off the tree and were now lying somewhere alone and scared, unable to move and call for help. What if he--

Taehyung shook his head. "Don't think like that. That won't help you," he rubbed the back of his head, thinking. "Maybe Hobi left with him? Maybe one of them needed help and they fled. Or someone saw them and that's why they ran. I'm sure that's what it is."

The other kept silent. Jungkook's brain couldn't turn off every possible, worst-case scenario that might have occurred. His terrified doe eyes scanned the crowd that moved past them, searching desperately for the beautiful smile, the crescent eyes and tiny charming nose.

He just needed to hold his dear boy again.

Jungkook didn't know how he would move on if he never managed to find Jimin. The man could not imagine a future he would like to live in if there was no Jimin beside him.

"Go home, Jungkook. Maybe he's there?"

"How can I--," he shook his head. "I cannot leave. He still might be here somewhere."

His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now