~| i'll become your eyes

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It's been months now.

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Jimin had never been one for collars. Never saw the appeal of belonging to someone and showing it off. But when the hybrid sneaked out to get himself a giant tub of ice cream and on his way came across a pretty feline, he started to doubt his life choices.

The cat was a beautiful white. Fluffy and elegant. Jimin adored the animal from the very first glance. She sneaked around his legs, asking to be pet, and the boy could not resist her charms. They both purred in recognition of one another and spent some quality time mingling with each other.

Jimin loved that he made a new friend.

But what he loved more was her collar. A beautiful leather strap around her neck, white and covered in pink jewels. He found himself jealous of it. He wanted one, too.

The moment they parted, Jimni had already fished his phone out of his pocket and dialled Hoseok, jittery and in need of answers.

The fox took his time answering, sounding a little out of breath when he finally did. "H-hey, Jimin!"

"How did you get Tae to buy you a collar?"

The hybrid could feel his friend blink. "A collar? Jimin, why do you want a collar all of a sudden?"


Jimin cringed. Taehyung was there as well and the vet had heard Hoseok's question. There was no doubt in Jimin's mind that the human would tell Jungkook what Jimin wanted. But maybe it was for the better. At least he didn't have to ask himself.

"I... I don't know. I want to feel like I belong?"

"But you do belong."

"Yes, but I want to belong to Jungkook."

"Do you really think the man would allow it any other way?" Hoseok snorted a quiet laugh. "Jimin, honey, from all the bruises I see on your neck and... every other place you show, I'd say you belong to Jungkook plenty."

"Yes, but--"

"JIMIN!" Taehyung stopped him mid-sentence. His voice was suddenly much closer to the phone than it was before. "If you want Jungkook to give you a collar, I'll make him get you a collar, okay?"

The hybrid went all red in his face and used the ice cream to cool his heated cheek. "But can you, maybe... Not tell him I said that I want one? Please?"

The veterinarian giggled through the connection, "I won't. I promise I'll make it so that he thought of it himself. The poor fool won't even know what hit him!"

Squealing and jumping the next few steps, Jimin could not suppress his excitement. "Thank you, thank you!"

The couple both laughed, loving how excited the adorable kitten got over a thing like that. "No problem, little one! I hope you like it!"

So there Jimin was a few days later, waiting for his Jungkook to finally come home on a quiet Friday night. He had cleaned the house while Kook was gone, not minding the chores one bit as long as he could see Jungkook's smiling face and hear yet another "good boy" from him. After the cleanup, the hybrid had taken a long shower, scrubbed himself clean, shaved and rubbed sweet lotions on his skin.

He felt pretty.

Even with the ruined eye and chipped ear, Jimin felt pretty. He believed in his human when Jungkook called him beautiful. With the man's gaze on him, Jimin felt that he was. He felt comfortable in his skin, cherished and loved, and appreciated. He felt like he belonged.

His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now