~| even the darkness we see is so beautiful

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It has been a few days since Jungkook took the kitten in. And based on how it behaved, the little furball was doing great: it took no time to grow used to Jungkook's constant presence, it didn't hide in fright under a sofa or Kook's bed, nor did it cower in the corner of Jungkook's closet. The little kitty acted as if this had been his home to begin with.

For most of the week, Jungkook spent his time at home. The only short trips the young man took were to the convenience store for some food for both of them. Otherwise Kook spent his day roaming around the house, talking to the little furball, playing with it, watching TV together with it, or attending the cat's needs.

It needed the vitamins the vet had prescribed, as well as the bandage changing on the injured paw. Jungkook sometimes got amazed by how well the kitty listened to him.

And it, or rather - he (if the vet was to be believed) - followed him everywhere.

If Kook went out on the balcony, the kitty went with him. If he went to check what to eat for dinner, the cat followed right into the kitchen.

When Jungkook asked the cat to wait outside as he was going to the bathroom, the animal stayed outside. But, oddly enough, when he went to take a shower, the kitten meowed loudly, asking to be let inside as well. The pet did not get under the water. It just sat there, watching Jungkook wash himself. As if making sure his owner was all right. ( A/n: as if :D )

Jungkook loved how dependent the little creature became of him. He loved the attention, the trust it gave, and the feeling he himself had - not being alone in the apartment anymore. He grew very fond of the kitty, very fast, and hoped that his dearest kitten would never leave him.

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It was one of those nights while Jungkook was still at home, when he had the weirdest and most real dream ever.

It was as if he was startled awake by the lack of the tiny warmth that he had grown so used to.

He took a deep breath, suddenly opening his eyes and trying to touch around the bed in hopes of finding his sleeping pet.

But he didn't.

The room was too dark to fully see anything. Nevertheless, there was one thing that drew the sleeping man's attention.

The door to the balcony was slightly ajar, making the light drapes flutter in the soft night's breeze.

And through that breeze Jungkook noticed a delicate figure standing against the railing.

It was a pretty boy, or a man - from that far away, and with eyes half shut, Jungkook couldn't tell. And the male was dressed in only an oversized button-down shirt.

Jungkook's shirt.

He was gazing at the moon, dark hair tickling his forehead as a tiny smile played across the plump lips.

But the most extraordinary part of the dream was that the boy was not human. He had a black tail and black cat ears that in a way reminded Kook of his kitty.

"Little one," he murmured, watching as the cat ears twitched in his direction.

The boy turned, fully facing the man inside the room, but before Jungkook could say another word, he returned to his dreamland, only remembering the otherworldly beautiful face, gazing at him in pure surprise.

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His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now