~| your gaze while you look at me is so colorful

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He was scared, really. Scared and alone, and in a place that gave him the worst feeling in the world. The feeling of being imprisoned.

Because that's what it was to him. His jail.

A jail that others referred to as the local zoo.

Hoseok whimpered again, finding comfort inside the cave he had dug when he was first put there.

He didn't want to think about his possible rescue, didn't want to wonder if the veterinarian, whom the cat hybrid had mentioned, really was his beloved TaeTae.

Because he missed Taehyung. He missed him way too much.

Never had Hoseok thought that being away from a human could hurt his heart as much as the absence of Kim Taehyung did.

Every day before their separation, now Hoseok knew, he had taken for granted. Because he had never lived without his TaeTae next to him before. He never knew how different and how much darker the world was without that boxy, charming smile, warm glances, and sweet words.

He shouldn't have run away. The fight they had was so stupid. So dumb.

Hoseok always knew that Taehyung loved being a vet. He loved the job just as much as they loved each other. It had been his father's and his grandfather's profession. It was a family business. A business and a generations-held secret about hybrid existence.

And it had never bothered Hoseok to smell other animals on Tae's father, for example.

It was those unfamiliar scents on his lover's body that never sat well with him. Even if those scents were real animals - never other hybrids.

Hoseok just was like that. Jealous. Possessive. In love...

And on that specific day, when he smelled a wild fox on his Tae's coat, he had snapped, and he had yelled at Taehyung and after that stormed out of their house.

Hoseok didn't remember how he turned into a fox. He just remembers getting caught as one, drugged, and moved somewhere. After that, all he recalls is waking up in an enclosure. In his new jail. In a fucking zoo.

Far away from his TaeTae and with no clue on how to escape.

He regretted it.

He regretted it so much.

Hoseok's biggest fear was that Tae would forget about him. Would find someone else and move on with no worries at all. Would kiss, cuddle, call cute names and sleep with another. Someone better. Someone that would never run out because of a stupid fight.

He had lived with those thoughts for three years now. Letting them eat him up more with every passing day that Hoseok had spent staring at the humans passing by, hoping and always failing to see the eyes he always dreamed about.

Until that hybrid boy had appeared in front of him. And had promised to get some help from a veterinarian.

Hoseok hoped with all his heart that it was his veterinarian.

That it was Taehyung.

But after weeks of waiting for anything to change, he somewhat lost his hope again. Hobi wondered if Jimin forgot to tell his potential rescuer about him.

Or, even worse - maybe Jimin did tell Taehyung about him, and Tae just didn't care.

It had been three weeks, after all. Three weeks of wishing and begging to finally see his love again. To finally smell Taehyung's wonderful scent, even if it was covered by all the other animals the man cared for daily.

Hoseok just wanted his Tae.

He just wanted his home back.

° •. ° • ° • . ★ . • ° • ° .• °


Sorry for being dead.
Will see you again soon

I sarang you~~~ 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜

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