~| shadows of the past keep on chasing me

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"Kitten," Jungkook had said.

And the voice he used was so soft and low, Jimin got another heat wave right that moment.


He couldn't keep in his whine.

Jimin saw through skidded eyes how Jungkook's expression changed to a confused frown.

"I'm sorry," the hybrid whimpered. "It's back. I'm sorry."

He hoped that Jungkook would help. After all, there was only that much his tiny hands could help with, but the man did not.

And after their conversations, Jimin was scared to ask the human for more.

He already allowed him to stay, despite being angry and shocked at first. If Jimin asked for sexual assistance, Jungkook might rethink his decision.

"What for?" he heard the man ask.

"It's-- It's back again. I'm sorry, I have to--"

It was then when Jungkook understood his situation. He nodded at once, stepping away to allow Jimin to get up. But the hybrid was weak in the knees, and almost fell over on his face.

"Got you!" Jungkook murmured, as he caught the boy in his tight grip.

But they didn't help much. Because the scent Jimin accidentally inhaled deep into his lungs made the situation worse.

His eyes watered and he lost control.

Stepping closer to Jungkook, Jimin's fingers travelled over the man's biceps and gripped the wide shoulders. Jungkook had stepped even further away, but Jimin followed and pressed his whole body against him.

"I'm sorry," he managed to moan out, as he lost himself in the feeling of lust.

Jimin started moving his hips against Jungkook's thigh. He couldn't help himself. The slow grinds gave just the right amount of friction to be between unbearable pain and great pleasure.

The hybrid hid his face against Jungkook's chest, forehead pressed against the man's collarbone, as he panted heavily.

Jungkook didn't move. He was frozen in place, looking at the boy hump against his bare leg. He felt the fabric of Jimin's underwear get wetter each second and his own body tried hard not to react to all of this.

It had been a while since Jungkook lay with anyone, but this was definitely the wrong time for sex. If he understood correctly, Jimin was not thinking clearly right now, and using him for sex would be all kinds of wrong.

But the moans...

Oh, the moans and mewls sounded so beautiful.

He twitched inside his pants but ignored it. And the boy was too focused on his thigh to recognise the growing boner, too.

Jungkook wrapped one hand around Jimin's hips and travelled lower to grab a handful of his butt.

Shit, it was thick. And muscled. And luscious. And when Jungkook squeezed it a little, he also tugged the boy even closer to himself, even more up against his thigh, making Jimin whimper in pleasure.

And even if the pleasure was not complete for the boy, even if Jungkook refused to give him everything, the acceptance of this act brought Jimin to the edge.

He cried out, lost in his orgasm as it overtook his body. Jimin's whole frame shook and he clenched Kook's shoulders tighter, as he tried to ride out his high.

Jungkook helped with his hand, tugging Jimin closer with a pulsating motion, letting the hybrid boy's dick rub against himself while he came.

The boy went limp after that. And Jungkook wanted to steady him with his arms, but then realized that Jimin had passed out.

Being himself uncomfortably tight in his pants, he sighed and picked Jimin up. He carried the hybrid to his bedroom and put him down on his bed. He rearranged Jimin's underwear, as it had ridden down while the boy rubbed, and threw the blanket over him.

Then he looked at his thigh. It was smeared in cum.

Well, fuck.

Jungkook headed to the bathroom to take a shower. He needed one anyway, as he was still hard from all the rubbing and moaning the smaller had done against him.

The man just hoped the heat would end soon. This was too unbeatable for both of them.

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His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now