~| hey, stay by my side and smile

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Jungkook got home, ignoring the wet clothes that clung to his body. His first task was to put the kitten on the sofa. Only then did he quickly get rid of his wet clothes, still keeping an eye on the creature snuggled in his hoodie.

The cat kept looking at him. Or - tried to look at him. Now, in better lighting, Jungkook could see that his newfound kitten had a left eye injury, its left ear was pressed to its head and it also tried to keep the pressure off his left front paw.

"Sweetie, you're injured," Jungkook murmured as he crouched before the kitten to take a closer look at its state. "I'll have to take you to the vet in the morning."

The black-furred animal gave no reaction. It kept trying to fix his uninjured eye on Jungkook, but couldn't focus its stare. The poor animal was exhausted.

While observing the injuries, especially the left eye, Jungkook hummed in thought. Usually, kittens were born with blue eyes, but this cat already had a wonderful chocolatey shade. How unusual.

"Do you want food, little one?" He furrowed his brow in worry, bringing one hand closer to the still slightly trembling cat.

The young man slowly let the kitten sniff his finger before he placed it under the cat's right cheek and rubbed it against the soft fur.

"Let me find you something edible," he stood up and headed to the kitchen backwards, eyes still on the animal.

Jungkook disappeared from the kitten's sight, quickly opening the fridge and taking out a can of tuna. Obviously, he didn't have any cat food. With swift motions, he got the can opener out of a nearby drawer and started opening the food. In the process, he heard a loud meow coming from his living room. Jungkook rushed to the door frame that connected the kitchen and his living room, checking on the animal in slight surprise.

"I'm here, kitten. Just give me a moment," he said.

Surprisingly, the cat let out another meow - softer and shorter than the first one.

Kook chuckled and retired to the tuna can. He almost felt like the kitten had answered him. Jungkook prepared the food quickly and rushed back to the tiny animal that still sat between the folds of his hoodie.

"You'll have to come closer, little one."

He placed the small plate of food in front of the animal and backed away, letting it sniff the offered meal.

Some cute sniffs later, the kitten moved closer, still quivering and cold.

"Eat, sweetheart," Jungkook murmured, softly smiling at the little kitty.

The kitten didn't eat.


It took some time of them staring at each other, Jungkook far away from the creature to give it more space and tranquillity, before the cat decided he would trust the food offered to it.

The small button-like nose came into contact with the moist tuna on the plate and soon after the kitten was nearly inhaling the fish into his oesophagus.

Half of its face got smeared with drops of tuna sauce, making Jungkook chuckle.

"Is it good, kitten? Make sure you chew it well," he sighed and leaned over his knees, crossing his arms over them. "Are you a girl? You look like a girl... So pretty," he chuckled warmly.

The cat was still eating, pushing the food around the plate as it desperately tried to swallow every bite on it.

"Eat, sweetheart. I'll go put on something dry and get you a towel as well."

He stood up and quietly exited the living room once again. And once again, while putting on some sweats and a t-shirt, he heard a soft, long meow.

Jungkook cooed to himself and hurried back to the tiny animal he already started to get attached to. "Did you finish your food, kitten? Such a good baby," he giggled before he tried to clean the bits of tuna off the kitten's cheeks.

It flinched away.

The man sighed in sad disappointment. "How could anyone hurt you, you little cutie..."

Jungkook took the plate and put it on the coffee table. He held the soft towel he brought with him in both of his arms as he picked the little creature up through it. He instantly wrapped the material around the kitten, being careful of the injuries he noted before, and tried to dry the fur as well as possible.

"Should we go to sleep," he asked after a while, still holding the animal close to his chest.

Jungkook stood up from the couch, turning off the light in the living room and headed to his bed. He unwrapped the towel and exchanged it with a soft, small blanket which he loosely wrapped around the cat, creating a small nest next to his own pillow.

The kitten said nothing as Jungkook walked around the room. It was curled into a tiny ball, the blanket around its frame, as it watched Jungkook turn off the bedroom light and get beneath the covers from the other side of the bed.

"Sleep, little one. You're safe now," Jungkook whispered, wanting to rub the tiny head which was popping out from the blanket but settled on not doing it. The cute furball looked too comfortable for Jungkook to accidentally startle its little heart again with his invasive hands.

Jungkook left his palm next to the blanket, slowly drifting off to sleep, hoping that the little, pure soul next to him would do the same.

His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now