~| it's nights like these that i keep on thinking

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Imagine, just as i finish the chapter, Your Eyes Tell start playing on my Spotify. I fuckin cried.

Enjoy, my lovelies. I know it's been waaay too long

I sarang you~~~ 💜💜💜

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It wasn't the first time Jimin met Kook's best friends but it sure was a lot more stressful. After all, it would not take much to expose Jimin's non-human side to them: with a simple slip of the hood, a twist of his tail, or a purr that instinctively came out every time Jungkook touched the boy, Jimin's natural reactions became time bombs.

So sad they didn't think of that before they went on that trip. The only thing the pair was smart enough to do was cover the hybrid traits and give Jimin sunglasses to hide his pale left eye. Neither of them wanted to explain how the beautiful boy had turned almost blind in it, and hoped that the sunglasses, the hoodie and the cover of darkness would help avoid that conversation.

"You must be Jimin," Yoongi smiled his way, offering a warm hand to shake.

Jimin didn't reach for that hand. He had simple instructions from Jungkook - pretend that he does not like to be touched to prevent Jin from squeezing him throughout the whole weekend. Seokjin was an affectionate guy, as Jungkook had put it before, and all that was needed was to give him an opportunity to get his hands on a cute person and he'll never let that said person go.

"Sorry," Jungkook interrupted before Yoongi could get mad at Jimin's rudeness. "He's not keen on physical contact."

"But you're touching him now."

Kook smirked back, "That's 'cause I'm his boyfriend." With a prideful expression, he watched Yoongi roll his eyes while Jimin blushed the same red as his beanie.

"Jimin..." Seokjin mused before his eyes suddenly widened. "Wait. Wasn't Jimin your cat?"

They had hoped both of Kook's friends would have forgotten the name Jungkook gave them when he finally settled on one but apparently not. Jimin wanted to hide behind the human, unable to mask the stress that practically eased from his every cell. This question was far closer to the truth than neither of them had hoped to hear, and the hybrid was at a loss for what to do next. His tiny fingers clutched Kook's hoodie as he hid his face against the man's shoulder, careful not to shift his ears or tail in worry.

Yoongi hummed. "Oh, I see. You just told us that you were with your kitten while - in reality - you were meeting with this little cutie. Sly dog," the short, scary man laughed, punching Jungkook on the shoulder, and continued with what he was doing before the couple arrived (which was setting up a campfire so that they could grill some food later).

Jin didn't help him though. He was still curiously looking at Jimin, trying to coax him into not being afraid.

Jungkook just rubbed the back of his neck, not quite knowing how to wiggle out of this topic. "Well, I guess you're right. I'm a sly dog who wants to spend all my time with his kitten, I mean-- Jimin."

He heard the kitten in question whine and the hold on his hoodie tightened just a little more. Jimin really was adorable, getting embarrassed by the human's straightforward answer. Kinda made Kook wanna kiss him all over right that moment.

"Where is the cat thought?" Yoongi asked, simultaneously nodding at them to sit down on the log and get their fishing equipment ready.

Jungkook followed suit and encouraged Jimin to sit down next to him. "He's with a friend," he explained with a sigh as if he missed the furball while they were away from it.

That made Seokjin laugh. The aspect of all-business Jungkook having more friends - too funny to stop his snickers. "What other friends do you have that we don't know about?"

It was Jimin's turn to speak up. He didn't want to spend the whole time here listening to the trio make small talk while he went mute, so this question was easy enough to start with. "Kim Taehyung," he blurted out quickly, eyes flicking to his lap where his sweater paws were fumbling with a stand of grass.

"Isn't that the guy who owns the biggest vet clinic in the region?"

"No," Kook answered Jin's frown, explaining it further. "That's Taehyung's father. Tae doesn't even work under him, he has a place of his own."

Yoongi hummed. "Not following his father's footsteps?" (The man could understand that as he was doing the same - while his father was solely into the police business, Yoongi was more of a music enthusiast which made him strive to be a producer.)

Kook laughed. "No, no, he definitely is. The guy's all up in that animal business. Though, he explained his independence as self-growth or something."

The answer seemed to satisfy Yoongi enough and the man just nodded. He was still fiddling with the fire and Jimin watched in fascination as the flame was finally created and slowly spread over the logs. He thought about the food they would make later (Jungkook had promised him a fish) and almost salivated. The aspect of eating in the wild, food that they had caught themselves, appealed to the hybrid more than he thought it would.

"Jimin," Yoongi's voice carried through to him, drawing the boy's attention. "Do you mind grabbing a few?"

The hybrid cocked his head and then slowly turned his eyes to where the man was pointing at. There was a pile of logs behind him and Yoongi was asking him to pass some more for the fire.

Jimin's head snapped back, searching Jungkook's eyes as if to ask for permission. Kook almost cooed at the big, inquisitive orbs, so in love with the look Jimin presented. "Go ahead," the man murmured, granting the hybrid a reassuring smile.

While Jimin stood up slowly and went to get a few more logs for Yoongi, Jin was back at whining about Jungkook's kitten he hadn't seen for so long. "You could have taken your new friend to meet us, too," he groaned.

Kook shook his head, focusing on how Jimin's small frame carried the logs to Yoongi. "Impossible," he grunted and smiled up at his kitten as the boy came back to sit down next to him. "Who then would be looking after my favourite kitty?"

Jimin almost let a purr slip out. His owner was a sly man, indeed, talking like that as if amused by their inside joke.

Seokjin just huffed. "You could have taken the cat with you."

"Yea," Suga sighed in agreement. "I wanted to meet the cutie again. I don't want it to be scared of me."

"It won't be," Jimin spoke up. As eyes turned towards him, the hybrid felt himself get shy again and therefore fiddled with his fingers, hiding them beneath the sleeves.

"A lot of things have changed since you met the little one," Jungkook murmured, not caring if his friends heard him or not, as he was now leaning onto Jimin's side, snuggling against him and leaving soft pecks on the hybrid's cheek.

"I bet," Seokjin laughed, endearment for the affection Jungkook showed evident in his tilting laugh. "Never thought you would find someone to, umm..."

"Love?" Kook finished, grinning at his besties.

Jimin bit his lip, now really trying too much for his own liking to keep the purrs and affectionate swirls of his tail from revealing his identity.

Seokjin just smiled back at them, unaware of the hybrid's inner struggles. "Yeah. Welcome to the family, Jimin."

"Thank you," he whispered back.

This was going to be a very tiring weekend.

His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now