~| unable to say it aloud

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This will be one of those shirt chapters. Because we all need this shit to move along, so that jikook be together again.
There. I said it.
You know I'm right.

I sarang you~~💜💜

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Taehyung knew the feeling. Knew it too well. It wasn't that long ago when he himself felt the same way. Scared. Regretful.


Jimin had not come back the next day, and Jungkook has said as much (in the SMS he sent Tae a few hours ago). Kim Taehyung could very well understand the turmoil that boiled inside Jungkook. Because he had felt it when Hoseok went missing. He remembered how difficult it was to accept that Hobi won't come back. How tired he was from all the searching and crying. How he hated himself for letting Hoseok leave like that.

They should never have fought.

He understood where Hobi's fears came from. But he still did nothing to assure Hoseok that he was Tae's only one. His big love. His baby fox.

So he hoped that Jimin was with Hoseok now. He hoped the cat hybrid was safe.

Taehyung knew that Hobi would never hurt a soul, therefore he was sure that everything would be okay.

But why did they leave so suddenly?

Had someone really seen them?

Was the hybrid secret now out in the ---

His phone rang, disturbing Tae's musings. The man didn't want to pick up at all, too deep in his own thoughts, but when the caller's name flashed on his screen, Taehyung knew he had to.

"Dad, hey!"

"Taehyung, good to hear you're okay. I'm actually calling about something important," the deep voice announced right in his ear. "I suppose the mission, as your lot liked to call it, was a success?"

Tae cringed. He had totally forgotten to inform his father of what went down last evening. "Yeah, dad, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you. We managed to get him out but there were some... complications."

The older man snorted. "I bet. Is that Jungkook boy okay? With his cat going missing and everything..."


His father continued to speak. Tae could perfectly imagine the older man sitting at his office, drinking tea while he spurted out knowledge left and right. Typical. "Imagine my surprise when last night I heard a disturbing noise coming from the main entrance of my house, and came down to find none other than Hoseok holding a rightfully pissed-off cat hybrid in his bloodied hands."

Taehyung stopped breathing.

"Your poor fox was very confused when I explained that Jimin didn't need to be saved from his evil, shady owner. And the cat - I mean Jimin - has not been calm enough to turn back into his human form."

The man sighed.

"So what I'm saying is, son, can you please let Jungkook know that Jimin is safe and that it would be best if you both got your asses here as soon as possible?"

Taehyung was already up from his chair and heading to the door. Not only was he glad that Jimin was all right, but he was also very very excited to finally see Hoseok again.

"We're on our way."

He needed to apologise and, hopefully, make everything right again.

° • . ° • ° • . ★ . • ° • ° . • °

Jungkook was glad that it was Sunday. Because he was planning on spending it all outside and searching for his baby cat. Because if it was any other day, he would be stuck in the office, pushing papers around his desk or some other shit.

His morning hours the young man had spent speed-walking around the park which was located somewhere between his house and the zoo they had visited. He had screamed his kitten's name till he was unable to continue but not because of the weird looks other people gave him. It was because his throat was hoarse. And because he was tired. Jungkook had spent the whole night pacing around the apartment, waiting for the door to finally open. Waiting to see his little prince arrive.

He felt like shit, to say the least. Jungkook had big circles below his eyes, his hair was a mess, lips were bitten raw and breath hitched every time he saw an animal move near him.

But none was Jimin.

After some hours of searching, he decided to get back to the apartment. To check if maybe... hopefully, Jimin had returned. But Jungkook didn't get to open the door to their place. Heck, he didn't even get inside the building.


Desperate eyes fixed on the veterinarian who'd just screeched his car to a full stop next to the sidewalk.

"Hey, man. I'm sorry I haven't answered all day," Kook started, fishing for the phone inside his pockets to check what Taehyung had sent him.

"Never mind that! Hop in, we got to move!"

Jungkook shook his head. "Tae, sorry, I really can't, I have to find--"

"I know. We found him. Come on!"

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I suppose it's been a moment since we shared some memes. So there you go

 So there you go

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