~| how much hope is needed to reach you

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This will be extremely short. I'm sorry. But we are building up to the last couple of chapters.

Hope you have a great day!!

I sarang you~~ 💜💜💜

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It's been a few weeks since the ''incident''. Neither individual wanted to discuss it any longer, so both Jungkook and Jimin had settled back into their domestic fluff.

It made Jimin happy: to be back in Kook's home, to smell the human's scent all around him, to see his owner each day, and to fall asleep in the hold of his gentle hands.

In turn, Jungkook was just as content. He went to work and left Jimin with everything the hybrid needed during the day. And when he returned, Jimin gave the human male his widest smile, kissed him and hugged him. They made dinner together and watched a movie together.

Jungkook even took Jimin out, not caring about how the hybrid looked in a restaurant with a hoodie or a hat over his cute ears. And Jimin didn't mind either - Jungkook let him do whatever and took him wherever the smaller wanted to go.

They were happy.

They were in love.

They considered themselves a part of one whole that in their little world was called a family.

Funny, Jungkook sometimes wondered, how fast and deep can someone find a place in another's heart. The human never thought that he'd meet someone like Jimin. No, it wasn't about him being a hybrid. It was about Jimin being the sweetest, most humble and beautiful creature on the planet. Jungkook felt that he was loved unconditionally, and in turn, did everything in his power to show that he loved Jimin just the same.

Most of their days, neither of them even needed words to confess how deeply their hearts had grown full of each other. Their eyes told enough.

There was only one thing left to do in their life. One giant reveal which needed to happen so that everything could finally fall into place.

Jungkook's friends needed to meet Jimin, his

And, as fate would have it, Yoongi had just asked Jungkoook and Jin to come to his summer cabin for a weekend of fishing, chilling and beer-sipping. What better way to have his best friends meet the purpose of Jungkook's existence than a vacation in nature?

"Are you sure you want to go?"

"It should be fine, right?" Jimin cocked his head, his delicate frame sprawled all over Jungkook's couch as he played with the strands of his twirling black tail.

The man was silent.

Yes, it should be fine, but the possibility of them finding out that Jimin was a hybrid was quite a big one. The more Jungkook thought about their secret being exposed, the more worried about Jimin he got. His brow furrowed and breath hitched in his throat.

It was because of the little stutter Jimin took his eyes away from the fluffy tip and searched his companion's face. But his easy demeanour changed abruptly when he noticed Kook's worried expression. Jimin straightened up, hands going around his knees as if unsure of his words. "Do you not... want me to go?"

Immediately, Jungkook stopped his pushups (yes, that is what he was doing while the hybrid lay on the couch) and stood up from the floor. He came to kneel before the hybrid and gently brushed his fingers through the pitch-black hair. "Of course I want you to go, kitten. I want you to always be with me."

Jimin leaned into his touch, purring immediately. "I want that too, Kookie."

They smiled at each other before Kook leaned in to steal a kiss from his little prince.

"What if they find out you're a hybrid? Would you be okay with that?"

The boy bit his lip. "Do you think they'd call me a freak?"

"No," the man shook his head. His fingers brushed behind Jimin's fluffy ears, gently massaging his scalp to ease the tension. "But I'd still kill them if they touched you."

Between the purrs and half-lidded eyes, his dearest kitten grinned. "That's not very nice..."

"You're my only priority, little one. I love you."

Jimin blushed. He blushed bright red, bending his head down to escape the sweet affection. Sometimes, the gentle words still became too much for the hybrid to handle.

"I love you too, Jungkook," Jimin murmured, hearing more than seeing his owners face bloom into the brightest of smiles.

His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now