~| even so, i want to take a hold of it

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Hey~ haters. Remember I love you right?
I'll unpublish the "FAKE END" and we will be able to reflect on it and your...RAGE when the story is actually over. Cuz it was...emotional :D
I had fun.

But now pliz enjoy a normal chapter

I sarang you~~💜💜

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Jungkook frowned. It had been another week living with his kitten, only now he knew Jimin wasn't really a cat at all. Despite that, Jungkook had spoken to the little one less than with a random co-worker from a different floor.

He suspected that Jimin was shy. Or maybe he was scared. Or he didn't want to talk to Kook in general.

Well, Jungkook knew what he was.

He was confused.

Yes, it was mostly because Jimin spent his time around the house as a cat, but also because Kook felt some kind of urge to see more of the hybrid boy. In every way.

It was bad enough that he had gotten a boner after Jimin rubbed himself off on Jungkook's thigh, but to dream about doing more to him?

Jungkook felt like he'd be using Jimin if he made any advances on him. He tried so hard not to touch him... not to look at him.

Because Kook couldn't resist the smile. Those plump lips were too inviting for him to say no to. That body was so perfect. And Jimin's eyes were so lovely when he smiled.

Thankfully, Jungkook had no problem showing his affection while Jimin was in cat form. Thankfully, then he could touch him, and hug him, and tell him how beautiful he thought Jimin really was.

But he got tongue-tied and stuck when he tried to do the same to the human-Jimin.

"I'm going crazy," he whined and clutched his head in both arms. He was sitting on his couch, at the end of a long workday, full of cases Namjoon had wanted Kook to reorganize. But during the day Jungkook had thought that he wanted to make his and Jimin's relationship better. And that was all he could focus on.

He sighed.


The sound was so cute and tiny it made Jungkook smile. He looked up.

The kitten was sitting on the floor a few feet away, head tilted in question.

"Jimin," he murmured low and watched as his kitten's ears twitched. "Why haven't you turned back to human? Did I..." He bit his lower lip. "Did I do something?"

Jimin came closer and pressed his head against Jungkook's leg, rubbing affectionately. Kook's heart squeezed a little, seeing the love he himself felt being returned to him in the simplest of ways.

He took the tiny furball into his hands and pressed Jimin against his chest. Jungkook kissed the kitten's head, letting out a long breath.

"Turn back," he asked.

Jimin shook his head, maybe not understanding what he meant.

From aside it would look comical - to see a man and a cat communicate with each other. But Jungkook had never felt better. Now he knew that his kitten really does understand what he says, and that it had always been Jimin inside the tiny body.

And he wanted to touch him. Not only his black, shiny fur but also his beautiful white skin.

It felt wrong, being an owner of a cat and wanting to use it for your own sexual pleasure.

But maybe...

Maybe if he asked Jimin what the hybrid boy wanted, they would come to an understanding. Whatever that understanding might be...

"Please turn back, I want to see you."

The cat sighed and tried to snuggle out of Kook's hold, but the man did not let him. Jungkook held the cat over his lap, not allowing the cute paws to touch anything other than his own palms. He was smiling softly while he watched Jimin struggle and give up soon after.

"Just turn here. Please," he murmured, putting the cat back against his chest, and rubbed behind Jimin's right ear.

The kitty took a few moments to breathe, but decided on doing what Kook had asked.

. . .

One thing we have to remember - Jungkook had never seen Jimin transform before, so he had not taken into consideration that, when his kitten turns, he would be straddling the human's lap completely naked.

His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now