~| i'll call your name

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Sorry for taking a while to update again.

Cupcake, anyone? 🧁

Doughnut squad, where you at? 🍩

I, myself, consider a dumpling to be my spirit animal. #пельмени for laifuu

I sarang you~~💜💜

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Jungkook was panicking.

Jimin was being unreasonable and not listening to anything Kook was saying. The small hybrid boy had suddenly gained additional strength and vigour, running around the enclosure and trying to get over the fence that separated him from the fox hybrid inside.

"No, little one, stop!" Jungkook shouted, trying to drag Jimin away from the fence with both hands being thrown around the smaller's shoulders. Thank all the hybrid gods, or whatever, that they had miraculously moved to a more secluded area, where there were fewer people to witness his struggle.

"But we need to get him out! He's stuck there!" Jimin kicked his thin legs in the air, searching for a weakness in Jungkook's firm grip.

But the man just squeezed him tighter. Jungkook's hands were engulfing Jimin's frame, squishing the hybrid boy's back against his chest. "Kitten, please. If you continue like that they will kick us out." The thrashing around lessened, but Jimin still wanted to break free of Kook's grip. "They might find out that you're not human. Please," he whispered against Jimin's neck.

The legs stopped kicking and his baby kitty went limp in Jungkook's arms.

"B-but he's locked in there."

"I know my dear," Jungkook loosened his grip. Though, only a little. His palms rubbed soothingly over Jimin's upper arms and for a few seconds the man leaned his head down so that he might rub his cheek against Jimin's own. "But we can't just break him out," he tried to reason. "People will see. They won't let us."

The hybrid, whose eyes had fluttered closed by the human's soft touch, looked up, locking eyes with the fox on the other side of the fence. Jungkook also looked, frowning at the way both hybrids stared at each other.

"Kitten, are you communicating with him?"

"Yes," the answer came in a shaken voice. "He's been here for three winters now. He just wants to go home..."

Jungkook bit his lower lip, thinking about how to make things right. He had been with Jimin long enough to want to do completely and absolutely anything to make his little prince happy.

"I think I know who might help us."

"You mean the veterinarian?" Jimin turned to look at Kook.

The fox, at Jimin's question, looked up at the human man too, eyes gleaming.

Kook, a little shocked that Jimin could guess his thought so quickly, nodded. "Yes. Would that be okay with you?"

Jimin grinned. "I guess so. He was nice the first time we met. Even though he called my dick tiny."

Jungkook snorted, remembering the exchange. "Now that I think about it, no wonder you were glaring at him. My little baby kitty got offended."

The taller's cooing was making Jimin melt against him, but the boy soon shook his head. "Not now, Jungkook! We need to save a hybrid!"

Jimin, ignoring the warmth of Kook's arms, looked back at the fox who had observed the exchange with keen eyes. "We will get help and then we will get you out. Okay?" he asked, fumbling with his fingers nervously.

The fox nodded, and glanced at Jungkook.

"He's my owner," Jimin murmured, extra careful so that no one else could hear them. It wasn't even meant for Jungkook's ears, but the man, of course, caught the words. "He knows who I am."

The fox just nodded once more, while Kook tried not to gulp at how easily Jimin could tell someone else that he owned the boy.

Jimin turned in the man's arms and pressed his side against Jungkook's. "Kookie, we should go," the boy was looking at his human with determined eyes, trusting Jungkook to help make this right. "Hopefully, the vet can help us."

He nodded and draped an arm over Jimin's shoulders. They didn't waste any more time, as both manoeuvred through the crowd, towards the exit.

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Kim Taehyung looked at his receptionist.

"I said, a pet parent is here to see you." The woman repeated her previous words. "Name's Jeon Jungkook."

Taehyung gulped a little, suddenly nervous about meeting the man who - when Tae saw him last - had brought a hybrid kitten to his clinic, without even knowing that it was a hybrid. He just hoped that nothing bad had happened. "Send him in."

The receptionist left, returning to the main waiting area where she announced to the newcomer that he might enter the vet's office.

Taehyung waited for Jungkook to barge in and demand some explanations about his pet, but what shocked him more was that first came in the pet himself.

In his human form.

"Hey!" Jimin smiled shortly and quickly sat down at the table opposite from Tae.

After him, in came Jungkook. The man who didn't look happy - just as Taehyung had predicted. But it seemed that they were here for other business and not to yell at him for hiding Jimin's identity.

"Hello," he greeted them both, still a little surprised about Jimin's appearance. "I see you... Um... Made some new discoveries," he commented, looking from Jungkook to the hybrid boy.

The man shrugged. "It's been eventful, not gonna lie."

Taehyung kind of wanted to ask how Jimin had presented his human form to Jungkook, but didn't get the chance to do so.

"We have a problem!" Jimin exclaimed in a loud voice, leaning closer to Tae. The hybrid was all fidgety and clearly worried about something. "And we need you to help us get him out!"

The veterinarian furrowed his brows. "Wait, what?"

Jungkook sighed. "Kitten, you are not explaining it correctly." A gentle hand was put on the other's shoulder, and Taehyung watched the smaller visibility relax beneath the touch. Then Jungkook's attention turned to Tae. "We have found another hybrid. It's a fox," he explained.

Taehyung's breath got stuck in his lungs. "Wh-what?"

"And it looks like it--, I mean it looks like he got captured and transferred to the zoo. Jimin.. talked to him. The fox has been there for three years, it seems." Jungkook clarified more, frowning at his own words.

"A.. a fox?"

"Yes," Jimin nodded eagerly. "Can you help us? Please?"

Could it be?

"Did he tell you his name?" he asked.

"It's a fox," stated Jungkook while Jimin shook his head with a "No."

So they didn't know. And he couldn't be sure about it, as well.

But something in his gut told him that this was the hybrid. His lost fox that Taehyung had been looking for for almost four years, had missed and cried over for so long...

The veterinarian had thought that his love ran away. That he didn't want to be with him anymore. That he hated Tae for going to work and leaving him alone at home every day, just to come back smelling like other animals.

Kim Taehyung gulped, looking at the pair in front of him.

He desperately hoped that the fox Jimin and Jungkook were talking about was the one. That it was his fox.

His hybrid.

His Hoseok.

"I'll see what I can do."

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His Dearest Kitten ~ [jikook] ✓Where stories live. Discover now