3. Kuroko Tetsuya: Fairy Lights

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3. Kuroko Tetsuya: Fairy Lights

Kuroko has always been quiet. He was quiet when you first met, when you became friends, and even when you started dating. You've been dating for six years ever since he asked you out after his team won the Winter Cup in your first year of high school. The two of you lived together in a cozy apartment located and your incomes allowed you to live comfortably.

That being said, Kuroko was a shy romantic. He preferred subtle gestures of love and you were able to catch them all. Somehow you picked up his observation skills after being with him for so long. You adored the tiny things he did such as playing with your hair on the couch and warming your hands up when it was cold.

The other day, Kise decided to have a reunion for the Generation of Miracles. The former team, Kagami, Momoi, and you spent the night at the model's house and recounted old memories. Kagami and Aomine got into an argument that led into a basketball game with you and Momoi cheering on the sidelines.

Momoi was your best friend. Sure, she was sad when you first started dating Kuroko, but she got over it when she was swept off of her feet by an exchange student that transferred two weeks after. That night she tried to help you cook dinner and thankfully Murasakibara whisked her off to help him buy snacks.

Everyone stayed up late and fell asleep with smiles on their faces. However, the following morning you woke up to the smell of smoke and an inhuman scream erupting from the kitchen.

Immediately awake, you rolled off your bed and sprinted towards the noise and covered your mouth as you laughed when you saw what was happening. Momoi, who was wearing a frilly pink apron, was whining as Kagami put out a fire on the stove.

"It's a good thing I woke up when I smelt smoke; you could've burned the whole house down! Why were you trying to cook this early in the morning by yourself?" Kagami snapped. You could practically see his face twisted up in annoyance as he waved a checkered dish rag at the pinkette.

"I just wanted to try to make breakfast." Momoi mumbled. Her shoulders sagged and she hung her head. "I'm sorry."

Sighing, you jumped up and patted Momoi's back. "It's the thought that counts, Satsuki-chan." You narrowed your eyes and glared at Kagami. "Apologize, Kagami-kun."

Kagami rubbed the back of his neck and gave her an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Tai-chan," Momoi beamed.

"What did I miss?"

The three of you jumped a mile in the air and yelped as Kuroko appeared out of nowhere besides you. It looked like there was a sky blue bird's' nest on his head and you instinctively ran your fingers through his hair, trying to comb out the knots and smooth it down. He leaned into your touch while Kagami yelled about how he startled him and woke up the rest of the Generation of Miracles.

"You're too noisy, nanodayo." Midorima grumbled as he helped Kagami salvage the breakfast. "Oha-Asa said that Leos are ranked last today." His glasses shone ominously and he glared at the redhead. "You should watch your back."

"Ahomine's a Leo, too!" Kagami huffed.

"I'm a Virgo, Bakagami." Aomine hissed before promptly falling asleep on the table again.

"Ne, Midorimacchi, what were Gemini's ranked as today?" Kise piped up.

"No one cares, Ki-chin," Murasakibara mumbled from under his arms. Kise wailed and began to complain to Momoi how nobody cared about him. "I want to go back to my bed."

Akashi closed his eyes and sipped from his teacup, reminding you of the wise old men in Kung-Fu movies as he did so. "Those who rise early in the day are more successful."

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