2. Kise Ryouta: Public Displays of Embarrassment

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2. Kise Ryouta: Public Displays of Embarrassment

You shifted through a rack of t-shirts with a small frown on your face. You wanted to get your boyfriend, Kise, a present since he nursed you back to health when you were sick but you couldn't think of anything. Because of that you brought your childhood friend, Tachibana Makoto, to help you. He had a similar build like the blonde and plus you missed hanging out with him. Since he went to Iwatobi and you went to Kaijo you didn't see him as often.

"Mako, I can't find anything." You groaned. You put back the dark green t-shirt you were holding back on the rack and walked over to the olive-haired teenager. "Did you find anything?"

"Maybe you should get him a hat." He suggested, giving you one of his famous gentle smiles.

"I didn't think of that," you giggled. You picked up different baseball caps and fedoras, trying to imagine Kise wearing them. They were all befitting yet they weren't special.

Makoto tapped your shoulder and chuckled. "What about this one, (Y/N)-chan?"

It was a dark brown fedora with a black strap around it and you gasped. "That's perfect! Thank you so much, Mako~"

"No problem," Makoto laughed sheepishly with his eyes closed and rubbed the back of his neck.

You were beaming as you paid for the hat and practically skipped out of the store with Makoto smiling at your cheerfulness. The two of you walked around the mall and caught up on each other's lives. He told you about his swim club and how they were training for regionals against their rival team, Samezuka. You promised to watch their races and he lit up like a Christmas tree.

Meanwhile, Kise was having the opposite of a good time. He found Kuroko and Kagami at the mall and tagged along since they were shopping for new sportswear. They just bought new socks when he spotted you pulling a tall muscular guy by his hand into a toy store. Kise went into incognito mode (he also forced Kagami and Kuroko, too) and began to stalk the two of you around the mall. He felt the green monster named jealously tear apart his heart while you laughed at him and showed the guy your beautiful smile.

"Have you ever thought that maybe they're just friends?" Kuroko asked.

The three were at the food court a few tables away from yours. Kuroko was sipping a milkshake and Kagami was destroying four pretzels. Kise was too anxious to eat and settled for unconsciously shredding napkins in his hands.

"How could you say that, Kurokocchi? Look, he obviously likes her. Who wouldn't like my (Y/N)cchi?" Kise frowned, sending a hateful glare at his newfound rival from behind his sunglasses.

Kuroko and Kagami exchanged a look. "Your (L/N)?" Kagami echoed.

"What does she even see in that guy? I'm much better looking and nicer for him." Kise whined in a childish frustrated tone. "I didn't see him buy one thing for her."

Kagami narrowed his eyes as he finished his last pretzel. "Kise, (L/N) wouldn't cheat on you. I might not know her as well as you do but I know she would never do that."

"Kagami-kun is right," Kuroko agreed. "If you're really worried about this ask her about it later. Right now you're being a stalker."

"I'm not stalking her, I'm watching over her from afar!" Kise protested, puffing out his cheeks.

"You're hopeless." Kuroko deadpanned. "Goodbye, Kise-kun."

"See ya, Kise," Kagami added.

"You guys are so mean~" Kise groaned.

The blonde watched dejectedly as Kagami and Kuroko left and sighed loudly. He put his hand on his chin and turned back to where you and your mystery friend were sitting. You were gone. Kise jumped up and swung his head around until he saw you walking into an ice cream parlor with an excited bounce in your step. He huffed and followed behind.

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