2. Kuroko Tetsuya: The Art of Seduction

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2. Kuroko Tetsuya: The Art of Seduction

"Have you and (L/N)-chan even kissed, Kurokocchi?" Kise questioned. The model arched an eyebrow, doubt written across his handsome features. He was sure he knew the answer and hoped he was wrong.

"We've kissed on the cheek a few times, but not on the lips." The cyan-haired teenager replied. He held his usual blank expression as he sipped from his vanilla milkshake, not affected by how the two much taller basketball players in front of him sweatdropped.

"You're hopeless, Tetsu." The tanned power forward groaned, running his hand down his face.

Kuroko frowned. "I didn't call you two here to make fun of me."

"We weren't making fun of you!" Kise cried instantly, rapidly shaking his hands. "We were just, uh, shocked!" He scratched his cheek and spoke in a lower volume. "It's weird that you two have been dating for three months and never kissed."

"You need to make a move or she'll get bored, Tetsu." Aomine butted in. "(L/N) is patient but she's not going to wait until you're getting married to kiss."

"I know," Kuroko said, setting down his milkshake. He clasped his hands in his lap and looked at the two. "I'm just not sure on how to kiss her."

"What are you talking about?" Aomine snorted, rolling his eyes. "Just go up to her and kiss her."

Kise puffed out his cheeks and scowled at him. "It takes more than that, Aominecchi! Girls are gentle and scared easily so you have to set the mood with candles, romantic music, dinner-"

"That's stupid." Aomine deadpanned.

"No it's not!" Kise wailed. "It's romantic!"

"This is what you do, Tetsu," Aomine ignored Kise's whines. "You take control of the situation and kiss her when she least expects it. That way she'll remember it forever and then you're free to kiss her whenever you want."

Kuroko opened his mouth to agree with the plan but Kise cut in. "Kurokocchi, set the mood before you kiss her. Make her want you to kiss her because girls don't like being kissed when they're not ready."

"So I seduce (Y/N)-chan?" Kuroko questioned. Aomine hid his laugh with a cough and Kise bit down his lip so his giggle wouldn't come out. "What's so funny?"

"Do you even know how to seduce someone?" Aomine snorted.

Kuroko blinked. "No,"

"We'll teach you then," Kise chirped. His eyes shone with mischief and he put his chin on his hand and leaned forwards on the table. "You'll be kissing (L/N)-chan in no time~"


You glanced down at the text Kuroko sent you earlier, rereading it for the thousandth time as you swung your legs at the booth you sat at. He told you to meet him at the best pizza place in town for a date. You were excited because dates with Kuroko were always sweet and left you at home feeling dizzy with happiness. The thing was that he was fifteen minutes late and you were worried that he was caught in trouble or, even, worse, he stood you up.

You pinched yourself and shook your head. What were you thinking? There was no way Kuroko would stand you up. He was the kindest, most adorable, admirable person you ever met and - holy crap.

A teenager with casually styled cyan hair walked in with his matching eyes lazily scanning the tables. He was wearing a red sweater with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and black jeans with black sneakers. Lots of girls whispered when they saw him and you froze when he looked at you and slid in the seat in front of you.

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