1. Male!Momoi Satsuki: Bridges PART TWO

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1. Male!Momoi Satsuki: Bridges PART TWO

"I love you, too." You recited for the millionth time while smiling softly.

Momoi rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Are you even trying, (L/N)?"

"Shut up," you snapped bitterly.

For the past three hours the two of you had been practicing the same scene over and over again. No matter how hard you tried you couldn't bring yourself to tell Momoi's character that you loved him. Your mind was a mess as you repeatedly remembered what he said to you in your third year of middle school. You flipped through the pages and grimaced at the kissing scenes.

Momoi noticed your disgusted face and 'tch'ed. "You're lucky you get to kiss me."

"Excuse me?" You snorted.

"Almost every girl in our grade auditioned for your part when I was announced as Raku just so they could get the chance to feel my lips on theirs. Yet here you are whining about it like I'm infected with a disease." He smugly replied, smirking at you.

You stared at him like he grew two more heads and closed your eyes as you rubbed your temples. "I'm stuck with the most obnoxiously arrogant person in the world."

"Don't try hiding your feelings for me, (Y/N)-chan~" He teased, smiling cheekily.

You gritted your teeth and annoyance spread within you like a wildfire as you remembered how love struck you were before. "You're worse than Aomine-kun playing basketball."

"That's the harshest insult I've ever heard in my life. My cleverness is finally brushing off on you." He chuckled.

You breathed deeply and started to stand up. "I'm going home."

Momoi's hands latched onto your forearms and you squeaked as he pulled you back down and you crashed into his chest. Something flashed in his eyes before it was replaced by its usually cockiness. "You can't leave yet. We still have to start working on the kissing scenes."

"No thanks," you muttered. You turned your head and prayed that the blush on your cheeks would leave before he saw it. "I'm going to go now."

Momoi grabbed your chin and he crashed his lips on yours. Your eyes nearly popped out of your head and you gasped in surprise. He took the opportunity to sneak his tongue into your mouth and you squeaked in alarm as he pushed you down and covered your body with his. You pushed his head away from his and he grabbed your arms and straddled your waist before you could injure him.


"I was initiating our kissing practice. We still need more work." He slyly replied.

He leaned down to kiss you, but you turned your head and his lips met your neck. You squealed as he bit down on the tender skin and suckled and licked. He smirked when you let out a soft whine and he continued to place hickeys all over your neck. It felt like your body was buzzing with electricity and your head was growing fuzzy.

"St-stop it!" You weakly protested. Your nervous tears began to fall and a soft sob escaped you. "Momoi, stop it!"

Momoi ceased immediately and pulled up with a shocked face. His eyes were as wide as the moon as you cried below him and he pulled you up and hugged you to his chest. He rubbed circles on your back like when the two of you were little and you tried to yank away from him.

"Leave me alone, Momoi. I don't need you to toy around with me anymore." You threatened through your hiccups.

"What are you talking about (Y/N)-chan?" He softly murmured, wiping off your tears with his thumb.

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