4. Akashi Seijuro: Akashi Seijuro's Perfect Relationship Guide

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4. Akashi Seijuro: Akashi Seijuro's Perfect Relationship Guide

Akashi put his published book down, the hard cover gently clinking against the glass table. Its cover featured a picture of him hand-in-hand with a gorgeous woman he endearingly called (Y/N). The text said, Akashi Seijuro's Perfect Relationship Guide. He flipped open to the table of contents, flicking through the pages with a ghost of a smile on his face as the memories that created these guidelines played through his mind.

1. Find your empress.

Akashi flipped through a manila folder, quickly scanning the black and white paper and moving onto the next. A picture on the first page was of a pretty (H/C)-haired girl with enchanting (E/C) eyes smiling at the camera. Her name was (L/N) (F/N) and she was a transfer student that was coming in a few months late into the year. Records said she was a bright student and rarely got into any sort of trouble.

(Y/N) caught his interest when he saw her drop her papers off at the office and he told the teachers he would take it upon himself as student council president to show her around.

He set the folder back in his binder when the door opened and raised his eyebrows as you came tumbling in. Your hair was wild from the wild wind outside and you tried to even out your heavy breaths. However, something was different about you to the basketball player. Despite looking like you came straight out of a horror movie (and late at that) you still looked amazing in his eyes.

"Hello, (Y/N)," he greeted, rising out of his chair.

You jumped when you saw him and quickly tried to fix your hair as you blushed and shyly met his gaze. "Um, hello. Are you the student that's going to lead me around?"

"I am and my name's Akashi Seijuro." He introduced, giving her a fake smile he perfected when he was younger. "Follow me,"

You nodded and quietly trailed after him. He glanced at your reflection in the trophy cases you passed and made a decision. Sure, you displayed undesirable traits, but you had potential.

I wasn't wrong about Tetsuya and Mayuzumi. She'll show her true colors soon enough. He thought. I'll take (Y/N) under my wing.

2. Take your empress out on a romantic date.

"I'm not saying that I don't like it, but isn't this a little much? I know you said you were inviting me to a restaurant, but you didn't mention how it's most expensive restaurant in town. Plus, you ordered enough food for a family of four." You sweatdropped in a slightly scolding tone.

Your hair was in a neat up-do and you were wearing a (F/C) (F/D) dress with your makeup done lightly. You pushed around the steak on your plate and eyed the mountains of food around you with an unsure look on your face. Akashi was wearing a tuxedo himself and set down his fork and slightly furrowed his eyebrows.

"Do you not like it here? We can go somewhere else if you want to." He offered.

You shook your head and tugged on a stray (H/C) lock. "It's not that. The food and atmosphere is fantastic." You paused and sighed quietly. "I'm just not used to this sort of luxury and I feel like you're spending too much."

"Money isn't a problem." He reassured.

"Yeah, but still..." You mumbled.

He watched you fidget some more and pulled out his phone and quickly texted his chauffer. Getting to his feet when you were done eating, he pulled out your chair and offered his elbow to you. "There's another part to this date."

Twenty minutes later the two of you were standing on a bridge that overlooked a pond full of sakura petals with the moon shining above. The pink tree's branches provided as walls against the wind and its sweet scent perfumed the air. You stood in awe of the beautiful site and unconsciously leaned your head against Akashi's shoulder. The whole scenario was dreamlike - it was magical.

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