1. Hyūga Junpei: Shippings

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1.  Hyūga Junpei: Shippings

        You were Riko’s eccentric best friend so it was only natural for you to become the basketball manager when the club was formed. It didn’t take long until the team felt like a family as you spent more and more time with them, especially with the megane captain. If you weren’t with Riko you could be found attached to his side with rainbows and sunshine in the background.

        Everyone else could see that the two of you liked each other except for, well, each other. It was almost painful to watch the two of you talk together without wanting to smash your faces together and put rings on your fingers. Yes, it was that bad.

        All hell broke loose in your mind when Kagami and Kuroko joined the team. Your inner yaoi fangirl became hysterical while you closely watched them talk and play together. During one practice you were refilling water bottles when Kagami chuckled at something Kuroko said and your nose began to bleed. The gay was just too real. Oh, don’t even start when the other Generation of Miracles appeared. You began to ship the first years left and right with other basketball players and you even began to write fanfiction and draw fanart.

        Kagami and Kuroko, Kise and Midorima, Kagami and Aomine, Aomine and Kuroko, Kuroko and Kise, Kise and Aomine, the list goes on forever. The thing is that you never told anyone because they would probably find it ‘creepy’ or ‘mentally scarring’. You hid your works in a box at home under your bed and it already had four completed chapter fanfictions and dozens of drawings that ranged from being cute and innocent to dirtier than a hentai manga.

        You were having trouble learning the timeline for your history class so Hyūga offered to tutor you since he was a professional at the subject. He came over to your house and set everything up and went through all of the material with you, demonstrating with his action figures. You thought it was adorable and as silly as it was it actually worked. Almost all of the dates were implanted in your brain so all you had to do was memorize the main points of all the battles.

        “I’ll go get us something for our break.” You chirped. After a few hours you decided to fix up a small snack and left downstairs with Hyūga up in your room alone.

        Hyūga shifted nervously in his chair and rearranged his pencils seven times before becoming bored. He looked around your room and smiled at its cuteness. Small toys sat in every nook and cranny, knickknacks you collected over the years strewn across your shelves. He saw a panda statue was crooked and walked over to it to fix it when his foot hit something. Curious, he knelt down and saw it was a box that had been poking out from under your bed.

        He glanced back at your shut door and listened for footsteps but found none. Putting his hand on the lid, he hesitated. It was wrong to go through your stuff without permission! But then his teammates said that he liked you, too, and the box might have factual evidence of it. He sucked in air through his teeth and pulled the top off and his face turned bright red once he saw what was inside of it.

        A drawing of Kagami and Aomine in an erotic position sat on top of the stack of papers. He picked up the paper with a shaky hand and his face flushed darker when he saw it was indeed a drawing of the younger basketball players. Swallowing, he put it back down and took the first stack of papers out. He flipped through it and saw they were all different drawings of Kuroko, Kagami, and the rest of the Generation of Miracles in relationships that varied from kissing each other on the cheek to dressed up in police outfits giving illegal punishments to the ‘criminals’.

        Under the pile of drawings were stapled papers full of words. He flipped through them and scanned the words, dying a little inside when he saw it was still about the basketball players. The third story had some of the dirtiest sentences he’d ever read in his life and he threw it across the room, covering his burning face with his hands as he tried to block out the disturbing images in his brain.

        You balanced your tray of cookies and glasses of water as you pushed open your door and set them on your table. Turning around, you saw Hyūga shaking with his hands clasped on his eyes and your box of fanfictions and fanart lying in front of him. You gasped and flew across your floor, throwing everything in the box and sealing it shut. Hyūga jerked when he heard you and you paled when you saw his tomato-red face.

        “Uh, um, hi,” You sheepishly grinned, your own cheeks turning pink.

        Hyūga cleared his throat and gestured to the box. “(L/N)-chan, what are those?”

        “Oh, these?” You giggled nervously, tugging on a lock of your (H/L) (H/C) hair. “They’re, you know, stuff. Picture-y write-y stuff.”

        “Did you, did you,” he stammered, clenching his fists. “Did you make them?”

        You gulped and clutched the box tighter. “I, um, uh, yeah, sorta, kinda, I did.”

        “Oh,” he whispered. He squeezed his eyelids shut and ran his hand through his short black hair, taking deep breaths. “Oh,”

        “I can explain!” You flushed, embarrassed at his negative reaction. “I don’t always do this, it just started when Kagami-kun and Kuroko-kun joined. The way they act around each other and the other Generation of Miracles inspired me to write and draw about them.” You lowered your voice and looked over his shoulder where your latest piece sat in the open and cursed yourself that you didn’t hide it. “Wait, you only saw the works about them, right?”

         Hyūga frowned. “Are there others?”

        You scoffed as you stood up and inched towards the drawing lying on your dresser behind him. “Of course not,” You could almost reach it. “That’d be weird, wouldn’t it?” You reached out, your fingers inches away from the paper. “It’s only about them– DAMMIT!”

        You cried out in alarm when Hyūga’s hand shot up and he grabbed the paper before you could. He didn’t see it yet and you panicked so you leaped on his back and waved your hand in front of his face and used the other to try to grab the drawing. Hyūga gasped and tried to pry you off of him, his face turning a new shade of red.

        “Get off!” He shouted.

        “Drop it!” You wailed, wriggling to try to grab it. His hand was way out of reach since his arms were a lot longer and you cursed. “Dammit, Hyūga! Just give it to me!”

        Hyūga grunted and managed to throw you off of him and you landed with a small ‘oof’ on your cushioned carpet. He fixed his glasses and all emotion left his face at the drawing. It was him and Teppei making out against a wall with the taller male holding onto his butt. Your face turned red and you began to make wild gestures, your words loud and sloppy.

        He paid no attention and turned to you, his blank mask scaring the living crap out of you. Your face became scarlet and your spluttering grew worse when he came closer and you held your hands up, terrified of what he would do. You saw how he treated his teammates when they ticked him off and you were 110% sure he would pummel you. But he didn’t.

        Instead, Hyūga held your chin and kissed you. Your body went numb with shock and you gaped at him when he pulled back and dumbly pressed your fingers against your lips. He sighed and placed the drawing on your lap.

        “I prefer you over Teppei,” he said, smiling softly. He furrowed his eyebrows and thought for a moment. “Wait, I know. I ship us.”

        You let out a high-pitched giggle then fainted of happiness, leaving Hyūga horrified and panicked.


I hope this is satisfactory ^///^ 

Anywho, I'm still accepting characters and I would love you forever if you requested one :)

Lots of love, Cora-chan <3

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