2. Akashi Seijuro: Punishment

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2. Akashi Seijuro: Punishment

        You knew who Akashi Seijuro was; after all, you did attend middle school and now high school with him. In middle school you often paired up with his friend, Midorima, so you talked to him a few times. But then one day, you don't know how, Akashi showed up with a golden eye and started to rule everything with an iron fist. You didn't want any trouble, so you avoided him.

        So on the first day of school at Rakuzan, you nearly had a heart attack when he sat down beside you in homeroom and the teacher announced that those were the permanent seats for the rest of the year. Homeroom alone wouldn't have been that bad but every class Akashi had with you he sat down next to you and the teachers repeated the same thing every time: no switching seats.

        You never looked Akashi in the eyes and responded with the least amount of words you could. Everybody knew that only people who serve him can look him in the eyes, and you were irritated at the mere thought of bending to his every will. He already had everything he wanted and/or needed. He was a perfect student. He was intimidating. He was brilliant. He was controlling. He was a star athlete. He was scary. He was hot as hell. To put it shortly, aside from his creepiness, he was perfect.

        Your thoughts trailed to the basketball player while you packed your bag until your best friend, Mibuchi Yuki, tapped your shoulder. You jerked out of your daydreaming and shook your head then turned to her. She held a red plaid bag in her hands and glanced around, a guilty look on her face.

        "(Y/N)-chan, can you give this to Reo-nii? I have to go straight to a Student Council meeting so I can't drop it off." She asked worriedly, her brown eyes glimmering with tears. Yuki was always sensitive and kind and you instantly felt terrible just seeing her close to crying.

        "Of course I will!" You agreed, taking the bag from her. You glanced down at it and saw brightly colored treats stacked in it, so much that it made the load heavy. "Um, where is your brother?"

        Yuki lit up like a Christmas tree and smiled brightly. "Thank you, (Y/N)-chan! He's in the basketball gym practicing. That bag is full of treats for his team."

            "Okay, well, bye!" You said, waving at her.

        "Bye!" She chirped.

        You left the classroom and the smile slid off of your face as you heaved a large sigh. Great. You liked Reo; he was like an older brother to you since you spent a lot of your time with Yuki. That wasn't why you were anxious. Reo was the vice-captain of Rakuzan's legendary basketball team and Akashi Seijuro was the captain. You've seen a few of their games and was awestruck every time the 'Emperor' effortlessly scored point after point with his teammates. The games weren't as dazzling as when he played with Teikou, but they were still something else.

        You halted in front of the double doors, your hand resting on the handle as you peeked in through the windows. Nebuya and Hayama were at the basketball hoop nearest to you playing one-on-one while Mayuzami and Reo watched at the sidelines. No Akashi. You let out a sigh of relief and pushed open the door, clutching the bag to your side. They all looked up at you except Hayama, who took the opportunity to steal the ball away from Nebuya and shoot it.

        "I win!" He crowed, dancing around like an idiot.

        His darker skinned teammate scowled. "I was distracted, I want a rematch!"

        The two went at it again and you smiled at their antics. Reo jogged up to you and ruffled your hair and you swatted his hand away. You tried to pat down your hair with one hand and handed him the bag with the other.

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