2. Generation of Miracles + Kagami Taiga: All I Want For Christmas

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2. Generation of Miracles + Kagami Taiga: All I Want For Christmas

"Make my wish come true~ All I want for Christmas... is you~" You sang under your breath as you finished wrapping the final presents.

Seven boxes in a variety of colors and sizes were lined up in front of you. You carefully placed them one by one into your red velvet bag and put on your Santa hat. Telling your parents you were going out, you practically skipped out of your house and began to roam the streets of Japan.

The first person you ran into was the tsundere greenette that was sitting on a bench in the park. He watched as his little sister played with other children while clutching onto a reindeer mug. You took a seat next to him and nudged his side with your elbow.

"Merry Christmas!" You greeted, smiling.

"Merry Christmas, (Y/N)-chan," he replied. He pushed up his glasses and nodded at your bag. "Why are you bringing that around, nanodayo? (Y/Z/S)'s lucky item today is holly."

You rolled your eyes and fished out a neatly wrapped green box. "It's your present, Shintarou-kun."

"You shouldn't have done this. My gift for you is at home, nanodayo." He muttered as he carefully opened the box. You could see the confusion in his eyes as he picked up the colorful clay elephant inside of the box and held it in front of him. "Thank you for the elephant."

"It's a lucky elephant. I read online that it gives luck to people that look at it. It made me think of you so I bought it before I thought it through." You explained, feeling disappointed at his unenergetic reaction. "I can take it back and get you something else if you want me to."

Midorima held the elephant out of your reach and turned his head as he frowned and his cheeks turned pink. "You don't need to do that, nanodayo. I'm perfectly content with this gift." He flushed darker and quickly added, "It's to save you time, nanodayo! You could be studying instead of exchanging this."

You chuckled and pecked him on the cheek. "I'm glad you like it. Merry Christmas!"

You left to find the others, unaware of the mess of a point shooter you left flustered on the park bench. The second person on your list found you wandering around his school's perimeters. He took out a (F/C) scarf from his satchel and wrapped it around your neck, quickly grabbing your attention as you spun around with wide eyes.

"Seijuro-kun, you almost gave me a heart attack!" You gasped, almost falling on your butt.

Amusement danced in Akashi's eyes and he grabbed you by your arms to help keep you upright. "That would be a poor Christmas, wouldn't it?"

"That's right!" You grinned. You opened your bag and cautiously took out a red box with a large pink bow on it. "Here's your Christmas gift!"

Akashi took the box and unwrapped the bow then handed you the lid. He carefully picked up the small pot in it decorated in Egyptian designs, the sphinx on it instantly becoming his favorite part on it. "Where did you get this, (Y/N)-chan?"

"I made it, actually." You admitted sheepishly. "You can see where I messed up on the rim and the pyramids."

Akashi's eyes widened a fraction and he smiled. "It's perfect."

"I'm glad you like it." You said. You leaned forwards to kiss his cheek only to have him turn his head at the last second and kiss you on the lips. Squeaking, you jumped back and ran away with your face being the equivalent color of his hair. "Merry Christmas, Seijuro-kun!"

Luckily, you found the next two people on your list together. You watched as they played a close one-on-one with each other in the public gym and leaned against the railing. The darker skinned male slipped past the split eyebrow's defense and dunked, letting out a cry of victory while the other groaned in defeat.

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