1. Sakurai Ryō: Haunted House

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1. Sakurai Ryō: Haunted House

The full moon peeked out from behind the clouds, casting a spooky glow among Japan. A towering mansion laid out in front of you, screaming out an eerie warning not to enter it. The outside was pained a dark violet and the windows were broken, the remaining glass jutting out and shining murderously in the moonlight. Twisted hedges filled the courtyard, crawling over the high stone fence and their roots spread out across the cobblestone.

Beside you was a shaking brunette who clutched onto a white flashlight with all of his might, staring at the house with wide, terrified eyes. "T-t-that's the place?"

"Yup," A taller bluenette male confirmed, clasping his hand on his shoulder. "We'll come get you and (L/N) tomorrow." He smirked. "If you make it until then."

"Shut up, Ahomine," you snapped, sending a glare at him.

"You're not helping him at all, Dai-chan," Momoi added, puffing out her cheeks and crossing her arms.

Aomine rolled his eyes and began to walk away. "Whatever. I'm going. Let's go, Satsuki."

"I'll see you later." Momoi smiled encouragingly. She turned around and gasped when she saw Aomine's figure almost gone from her sight. "Dai-chan! Wait for me!"

You took a deep breath when you looked back at the foreboding structure then shook your head, getting rid of your nerves. Sakurai was already having a mental breakdown and you didn't want to join him. Aomine dared the apologetic boy the day before to stay the night in the haunted house right outside of town and you volunteered to with him. The house just looked scary and the 'haunted' rumors were just rumors.

"Are you ready to go in?" You asked, flashing him a smile.

Sakurai cleared his throat and nodded. "Sorry, yes I am."

You let out a soft sigh, already knowing this night was going to be full of paranoid cries and apologies. Sakurai was adorable and there was no doubt about that, you loved his bashfulness and compassion. The first time you met was because he accidentally knocked over your books and helped you while stammering sorry and shakily stacking your books. It was the beginning of a great friendship and giant crush.

The giant wooden door groaned on its hinges when you pushed it open and you stepped inside with Sakurai, jumping when you let go of the door and it slammed shut. You gulped and surveyed the dusty foyer that was full of old, broken furniture and had darkly stained carpet. A still grandfather clock sat against the middle of the wall and was stopped right at midnight.

"Can we find the bathroom? I forgot to use it before we came here." Sakurai asked and bowed his head. "I'm sorry about the inconvenience!"

"No, no, it's fine." You assured, waving your free hand that didn't have your (F/C) flashlight in a death hold. "It's actually best if we find it first."

The both of you held your breaths when you slowly walked down the treacherously long hallway that didn't have any windows or rooms connected to it. You swore you heard other footsteps but kept quiet about it, not wanting to freak you or Sakurai out more than you currently were. The end of the hallway forked and you chose to go left since it had a window that let in some of the outside light. Thankfully the hallway was shorter and the bathroom was there and Sakurai apologized again before going to take care of his business.

Your gaze constantly flickered back and forth since you stood with your back against the wall, not trusting the looming shadows to either side of you. You moved your flashlight back and forth and froze when something moved on the left side of you. Turning as white as a sheet, your hand shook when you hesitantly shone the light back at the area.

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