2. Midorima Shintarou: Mimicry

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2.  Midorima Shintarou: Mimicry

“I dare you to act like Shin-chan for all of tomorrow, but you can’t tell him that I dared you.” Takao grinned. He popped a piece of sour candy in his mouth and snickered. “You have to do the whole deal. Glasses, Oha-Asa, nanodayo, tsundere-ness, everything.”

You chewed your mouthful of popcorn and smirked. “Deal. I dare you to cross-dress tomorrow and you can’t tell anybody why.”

“Where can I even get a girl’s uniform?” He asked.

You loved how he didn’t even try to get out of it. He was such a good sport.

“You can borrow some clothes my mom bought that are too big. Come over to my house in the morning and I’ll help you.” Amusement danced across your face, a mischievous twinkle sparkling in your (E/C) eyes as you raised your hand. “Ready to confuse the crap out of everybody tomorrow?”

Takao high-fived you and smiled impishly. “You bet.”


When you and Takao entered your close you drew everyone’s attention. Takao not only wore the girl uniform but he also had his hair in pig tails and lip gloss with a small amount of eyeliner and mascara. You had on (F/C) glasses with the ends of your hair dip dyed in green Kool-Aid and clutched a piñata against your chest. Takao giggled girlishly at the shocked expressions on everyone’s faces and you rolled your eyes and pushed up your glasses.

“Let’s go sit over by Shin-chan~” Takao chirped in a high-pitched voice.

“I’m only sitting with you because there’s nowhere else to sit and I’m getting tired, nanodayo.” You huffed, looking away from him.

Oh my gosh this is so fun~ You thought.

You and Takao took the seats on either side of Midorima and he finally looked up. He stared blankly at Takao then lightly blushed when he saw you and shook his head. “What’s wrong with you two, nanodayo?”

“Nothing is wrong with me, nanodayo.” You replied coolly.

“What are you talking about, Shin-chan?” Takao added, batting his eyelashes.

Midorima frowned. “You’re dressed up like a girl and (Y/N)-chan is dressed up like me.”

“Oh my God, Shin-chan! You’re so silly~” Takao shrilled, playfully punching Midorima in the shoulder and squealing obnoxiously. Midorima’s eye twitched and he glared full force at Takao and he flinched away. “You can’t hit a girl, Shini-Dini!”

“Shut up.” He snapped.

Fake tears fell down Takao’s cheeks and you rolled your eyes. The idiot didn’t realize that his eyeliner was smearing and when he tried to wipe his tears away the mascara smudged. His raccoon eyes drew the attention of everyone in the room and secondhand embarrassment burned greatly within you.

“Your makeup is running, nanodayo. Stop touching your eyes.” You grumbled.

“EH?” Takao yelped when he saw the black substance staining his hands. “(Y/N)-kun, take it off, take it off!”

You hid your smirk, glad you were being Midorima for the day. “No. It’s your problem, nanodayo.”

“But I look like a raccoon!” He whined.

“I told you not to touch your makeup this morning, nanodayo. You should listen more.” You heartlessly scolded.

Your teacher, who had been busy finishing an email, called out, “Midorima-kun, stop being rude to Nanami-chan.”

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