6. Akashi Seijuro: Behind Closed Doors

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Akashi Seijuro: Behind Closed Doors

Everyone knew you as the 'innocent' girl. You were shy and nice, always up to help others no matter what. Somewhere along your journey of life you ended up assisting Akashi in a committee as his secretary. Sparks flew when your hand brushed against his and a powerful crush flared within your heart.

Well, this so-called crush turned into a sort of obsession. You paid extra attention to what he liked and how he reacted to things so you wouldn't slip up. There was no girl in your school that knew the petrifying basketball captain better than you.

You were daydreaming about Akashi when your friend punched your arm and you yelped. "Hey! What the heck, Minah-chan?"

The Korean girl puffed out her cheeks and glared at you. "You were doing it again, Unni. When are you finally going to confess to him? That's the third time this period you went off into lala-land to fantasize about Akashi-san. What do you even think about?"

"Nothing!" You shrilled, smacking her with your folder. "And don't speak so loudly! Someone's going to overhear you."

"Whatever," Minah snorted, rolling her eyes. "I don't want to know what goes on in that brain of yours."

"Park-chan, (L/N)-chan, lower your voices," your teacher ordered, narrowing his eyes.

You exchanged a sheepish look with Minah and apologized together with blushing faces. Class dragged by and you were more than happy to fly out of the room when the bell rang. More excited than a kid going to Disneyland, you entered the study hall room and sat down in your usual spot right across from him. You fixed your clothes and hair and shifted anxiously, watching the door with hopeful eyes.

Akashi strode into the room, gathering everyone's attention. His expression was cool and his walk was poised and he effortlessly gave out a divine aura. He took his seat across from you and you smiled brightly, nearly squealing when he simply nodded his head back at you.

"How has your day been, Akashi-kun?" You asked a little too eagerly.

Akashi frowned and adjusted his collar, making your ovaries explode at the simple action you found ridiculously sexy. "This morning I ran into my old teammate, Atsushi, and he borrowed my laptop. He downloaded a virus because he thought that the ad would give him a coupon. I'm waiting for my butler to fix it, but now I have to spend the next few hours downloading my old files."

"That sounds terrible," you said sympathetically, shaking your head. "Did you lose anything important?"

"No, you have all of my backup files." He paused. "Correct?"

You grinned and grabbed your own laptop out and booted it up. "Of course I do! Do you need to look at the student council documents?"

"Yes, I need to check the amount that was collected in last week's fundraiser." He explained as you handed the laptop to him. "I'm in charge of the first year class' booths in the school's festival this spring."

Your phone beeped and you glared at the screen for interrupting your time with Akashi. Minah was begging you to go to the convenience store across from the school and buy her snacks. You were about to tell her no until she reminded you that she did it all the time for you and you sighed.

"I'll be back soon, Akashi-kun. I have to buy some snacks for Minah-chan at the convenience store. Do you want anything?" You offered as you grabbed your wallet out of your bag.

Akashi seemed to be out of it and shook his head. "No, I'm fine,"

Akashi watched you leave and turned back to the laptop with an impassive face. While searching for the records he found a folder labeled something peculiar: "Things I Want Akashi Seijuro To Do To Me." Curious of what his seemingly pure assistant was interested in, he opened one of the various documents and his eyes widened in shock.

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