4. Kise Ryouta: Tease

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4. Kise Ryouta: Tease

Halloween was coming up soon and at school you were talking with your best friend, (and secret crush) Kise, about costumes. You said you didn't have one planned and he suggested that the two of you went shopping for them at the weekend. He picked you up and the two of you went to your town's famous Halloween shop and it was surprisingly vacant. You told him to pick out his costume first and ever since you'd been waiting on the couch for him to pick one.

How long does it take to find something and try it on? You wondered as you played 2048. He must've knocked himself out if I could beat my score already.

Kise came out of the dressing room with a proud smile on his face. He was wearing a faded blue V-neck with dark jeans and a tan bombers jacket on. He pushed his hair back and ruffled it and you swore for a second you saw glitter on him in the artificial light. "How does this look on me, (Y/N)cchi?"

"What are you trying to be?" You asked, arching an eyebrow.

You might as well have electrocuted him because of his overdramatized gasp of terror. "Isn't it obvious? I'm a vampire!"

You burst into laughter and clutched your stomach as you collapsed in your chair, nearly in tears because of him. Out of all the ridiculous costumes Kise could've picked, he picked Edward from Twilight. You tried to muffle your laughter with your hand as he sulked in front of you and you patted his shoulder.

"What made you want to be Edward out of all things?" You snickered. You tried to fight back your smile for the sake of his pride but your lips couldn't help but turn upwards as you saw the glitter decorating his face up close.

"I thought girls liked Edward." Kise explained dejectedly, looking like a kicked puppy.

Your gaze softened at his broken state and you wiped some of the glitter off of his cheek and he tensed. He stared at you with wide eyes and you wondered if he was blushing or his skin was just turning pink because you were wiping too hard. You fought off your own blush at the close proximity and you tried to hide it by rolling your eyes then smiling calmly.

"Girls liked Edward in like 2009, Ryouta-kun. Twilight isn't as popular as it used to be." You comforted as best as you could.

Kise became quiet for a few moments as you continued to rub the glitter of his face and stared intently at you. "Weren't you Team Edward?"

"I was actually Team Jacob." You admitted. Mostly because Taylor Lautner is ripped as frick. You added silently. Ah, those were the dark days.

"I should've known." Kise muttered under his breath more to himself than to you. He looked away and furrowed his eyebrow in thought then smiled at you and winked. "I'm going to go try on a new costume!"

He disappeared back into the costume racks and you pulled out your phone and began to text your best friend, Murasakibara. You befriended the gargantuan in middle school over your love of snacks and treated him like your little brother ever since. It brought you satisfaction watching his face light up when you gave him candy and you never minded how he ruffled your hair afterwards.

Just like himself his texts were slowly typed and you were only a few texts into the conversation when Kise's changing room door opened again. "What about this one, (Y/N)cchi?"

You looked up from your phone and your cheeks darkened as you saw what he was wearing - more like what he was not wearing. Kise wore cutoff jeans with no shirt and had a fake tattoo on his outer bicep. You briefly wondered when he had the time to put it on and looked back at your phone and bowed your head so he couldn't see your blushing face.

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