1. Akashi Seijuro: Trust

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Akashi Seijuro: Trust

*If you're a "cool teenager" that hates pop music - especially boy bands - skip this chapter or read silently keeping your salty selves quiet instead of bashing on music you don't like, k? One less reader won't hurt me 👋🏼

You poured the fruity-smelling soap onto your blue sponge and massaged it in with your thumbs, softly humming an irregular tune. Once the water was warm, you placed the sponge down and sauntered over to the radio, pressing the button so it came on. Pitbull began to blare out of the speakers and you wrinkled your nose in disfavor before returning to the sink. You began to scrub at the leftovers on the plates and stacked them in the dishwasher, slightly bobbing your head to the beat. Right after you put a bowl into the dishwasher, the radio caught your attention.

"Now let's go back a few years to the summer of 2011! With their debut hit, here's One Direction with What Makes You Beautiful!" The host proclaimed.

You gasped when the familiar chords hummed into your ears and you let out a soft squeal. In all honesty, you were a huge Directioner and you loved this song to death. Unable to help yourself, you began to sway along to the cowbells and burst out into song with the first verse like a Disney movie.

"You're insecure, don't know what for. You're turning heads when you walk through the door-or-or~ Don't need make up, to cover up. Being the way that you are is enou-ou-ough~" You caroled along with a silly smile on your face. You began to get really into it, shimmying your shoulders and rocking your hips along to the beat. "Everyone else in the room can see it. Everyone else but you-ou~"

You jumped a little and punched the air with your bubbly sponge as you thundered along to the chorus. "Baby you light up my world like nobody else! The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed! But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell! You don't know oh oh~ You don't know you're beautiful! Oh, oh that's what makes you beautiful!"

You began to dance around and giggle along, pulling out ridiculous dance moves like the sprinkler and the robot. Soon enough you forgot about the dishes and was dancing with a spatula, twirling around the kitchen. Your parents had left to go grocery shopping and your siblings were at their friends' houses spending the night so you were all alone. Why would you worry about embarrassing yourself?

Your (E/C) eyes sparkled when the bridge came on and you whispered to your reflection on the microwave, "Baby you light up my world like nobody else. The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed. But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell~ You don't know, oh, oh." You took a deep breath and bellowed out, "YOU DON'T KNOW YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!"

On your doorstep, your beloved boyfriend, Akashi, knocked on the door. The redhead arched an eyebrow when you didn't answer, but he could hear the music pounding from inside. He shrugged and pushed open the open door and followed the noise. Akashi arched an eyebrow as he stood in the doorway to the kitchen and a smirk grew on his face. Before him was you hooting and hollering with the boy band on the radio, dancing like a candy-filled monkey.

"THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!" You finished. You panted as you came to a standstill, holding onto your counter for support. Small giggles escaped you as you thought about what you did and you shook your head. You let out a soft sigh and said aloud to yourself, "Thank God I'm alone."

Your heart dropped when you heard slow, mocking clapping and you froze, your eyes almost popping out of your head and your grip on the counter tightening by a thousand times. Exhaling through your nose, you slowly turned around and saw Akashi leaning against your wall with his arms crossed and a smug smirk on his face. Those heterochromatic eyes shone with amusement and your stomach twisted into knots. A tight smile forced itself onto your face and you could feel all of your blood rush to your face.

"H-hi, Sei-chan," you stammered. "Um, I thought you weren't coming until four."

Akashi arched an eyebrow and jerked his thumb at the oven's clock. "It's four-oh-six, (Y/N)."

"Oh," you muttered, feeling stupid. "Well, erm, how much of that did you see?"

"I came in on the last chorus." Akashi answered. He sauntered towards you like a cat would corner a mouse – no, like a lion prowling towards a wounded gazelle, and you unconsciously took a step backwards so you were practically sitting on the counter. "I don't think you should go into show business, (Y/N). You should keep focusing on your grades." His cool hand cupped your burning cheek and that smirk grew even larger. "You're burning up, (Y/N). Are you okay?"

"N-no," you squeaked. "I mean yes! I'm fine! Don't worry about me."

"I think you have an illness, and I have a cure for it." he chuckled, his gaze becoming sly. "Stop moving for a moment."

You tensed your whole body so you weren't shaking, but it felt like you were about to explode with embarrassment. Akashi tilted your chin up and you could literally feel his stare rake across your lips. His gaze met your wide (E/C) eyes before they slid shut and he pressed his lips against yours. You sunk against him and wound your arms around his neck and fought back the squeal threatening to burst from your mouth. No matter how many times you two kissed, you always felt like you were on fire when your lips touched. But it was a great type of fire – the kind that would burn brightly and lift everyone's spirits in the darkest of moments. You felt like you were a firework and Akashi was the lighter who set you ablaze in a glorious pleasure. However, that moment was short lived when his lips left yours. A soft, unintentional whine escaped you when he pulled back and you ducked your head in humiliation.

"Look at me, (Y/N)," his calm, commanding voice ordered. You reluctantly looked up and held your breath when you realized how close your faces were to each other. His stare burned into your soul and you couldn't tear your gaze away. "Why are you acting so ashamed? You don't have to be so uncomfortable around me. Don't you dare answer with 'I don't know'."

Heaving out a sigh, you tilted to your head to the side and focused on the buttons on Akashi's shirt to keep you distracted from his watchful eyes. "It's just that I was being stupid and you, out of all the people in the world, walked in during the middle of it. Now you probably think I'm a kid and don't respect me as much. Isn't it, I don't know, natural to be embarrassed by that?"

"Don't be," Akashi growled. You jumped, surprised by the intensity of his voice, and how much his grip on you constricted. But it was his eyes that got you – they were dark with cool anger flickering within them and everything about it screamed at you to run away from the haunting danger. "It may not seem like it to others, but I don't like it when the people closest to me are scared of me. I'm just like Murasakibara and Midorima – a person. If they walked in on you, you wouldn't have started shaking and squealing." His eyes narrowed and complete seriousness filled his different colored hues. "If you don't like me, just tell me and I'll leave."

"Don't!" You shouted, interlocking your fingers around his neck as if they would keep him in place. "I didn't even mean that! If anyone came in, I would've acted the same way even if it were my parents. Of course I like you, and I'm not scared of you! Hell, I even love you, Seijuro! The only thing I'm scared of is that you will leave me!"

Not giving him the chance to speak, you slammed your lips on his. You squeezed your eyelids shut and jerked him closer to you. Trying to summon all of your energy into the one action, you let out a soft whine into the kiss so he knew you meant it. Akashi was stiff for a moment before he responded at a matching passionate pace. He pulled away and began to spread butterfly kisses down your neck and nipped at your collar bone.

"Do you forgive me?" You panted between your breaths, growing flustered at his actions. "Please, Sei-chan~"

Akashi paused in his actions and whispered with a smile, "Of course,"

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