2. Aomine Daiki: Ignorance is Bliss

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2.  Aomine Daiki: Ignorance is Bliss

The first time you met Aomine you punched him in the face.

You were immensely pissed off at the girls in your history class who fooled around the whole time so you had to do their work for them so you wouldn’t fail the project. Right after class was over you scolded them and then they waved their perfectly manicured nails and told you to go get hair extensions. You cursed at them and stormed off and couldn’t help but feel a little insecure as you checked yourself in the bathroom.

Looks were never that important to you so you chopped off your long (H/C) locks for a paperboy haircut. Unlike the other girls you wore pants instead of skirts and loose jackets instead of fitted shirts. You cared more about being comfortable than being fashionable and you rolled your eyes at your reflection in the mirror. Why were you letting them getting you down?

You decided to eat lunch on the roof since it was a nice day out and leaned against the wall and ate your bento. Towards the end of lunch you heard obnoxious snoring and raised your eyebrows. You climbed up the ladder and snorted when you saw the infamous Aomine Daiki asleep with a porn magazine on his face.

“Wake up, baka,” you sighed, kicking him in the side.

Aomine yelped and shot up, the magazine falling off his face and opening to a crude picture of a big-chested woman. “Oi! What the hell’s your problem?”

“You’re being too loud.” You deadpanned.

Aomine looked you up and down then scoffed. “Leave me alone, a-cup.”

An irk mark grew on your face and a dark aura began to spread around you. “What did you just say?”

“Just look – there’s barely anything there. If you’re going to wake me up at least have boobs.” He lazily replied.

Your pent up frustration was unleashed with one falcon punch into the bluenette’s face. He yelled and you got into a loud argument while he held his bleeding nose. The teacher appeared and the two of you spent detention glaring at each other.

The first time you and Aomine acknowledged each other as friends instead of enemies was during gym. Your team was down to just you and him while there were eight students on the other. All the dodgeballs were on your guys’ side and the two of you quietly discussed your plan as the others eyed you suspiciously.

“We need to work together on this, Ahomine. Whoever wins this match gets an A for the rest of the quarter.” You hissed at him.

Aomine frowned. “I know, I don’t want to lose to Wakamatsu, either. I got pudgy, glasses, bad haircut, buckteeth, and braces.”

“Okay,” you agreed. “On the count of three. One… two… THREE!”

Your ball and Aomine’s nailed your targets in the stomachs and the remaining six jumped in surprise. Two teammates entered but you paid no attention as you took out two girls on the other team that made fun of you. Aomine already took care of the rest of his marks. Everyone gaped at the two of you and you smirked.

“Not too bad, Ahomine,” you said, nodding.

Aomine wiped his sweat off with his sleeve. “Didn’t know you were athletic, (L/N). Who knew you were good at something?”

Yup, that was your friendship. The two of you bonded over athletic activities, especially basketball. Even if you lost all the one-on-ones you didn’t give up and tried a new trick each time he played you. He was impressed by your perseverance and found himself even looking at you differently. Because of your boyish nature he always thought of you as a dude.

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