3. Kise Ryouta: Overprotective Idiots

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3.  Kise Ryouta: Overprotective Idiots

You played with Kise's hair as he sat on the ground in front of you and leaned his head against your lap. The two of you were in the park enjoying the warm breezes that only came in the center of the park. It was a beautiful day that the news called the last day of summer. You were sitting on the edge of the fountain that the park's center was formed around, humming a song stuck in your head. Kise closed his eyes and smiled, perfectly wrapped around your finger.

This is nice~ I wish we could be like this forever. He thought, sighing in relaxation.


You tore your gaze away from Kise and looked up and pushed Kise off of you. The sprinting, stripping black-haired male was going full speed towards the fountain and even if it was warm outside, it was too cold to go swimming. You threw yourself at him and shrieked as you fell down with him on top of you. Sea blue eyes stared at you confusedly and you groaned, rubbing the back of your head.

"You can't go swimming in public fountains at the beginning of fall, Haru-kun." You scolded him, frowning. You pressed your hands against his bare, muscled chest, completely unfazed, and pushed. "Can you get off of me?"

"Sorry," he muttered.

Haru got off you and helped you up. Two arms encircled you from behind and a pointed chin settled on top of your head. Rich cologne filled your nose and you rolled your eyes.

"I'm fine, Ryouta." You assured.

The blonde ignored you and tightened his grip then glared at Haru. "You need to apologize to (Y/N)-cchi."

"He already did." You mumbled, looking at Haru apologetically.

Haru shrugged and repeated himself. "I'm sorry."


You looked up and saw Nagisa and Makoto, flanked by Rei and Rin, walking towards you. A smile lifted itself onto your face and you finally broke from Kise's grip. So he wouldn't pout you held his hand and he perked up like a puppy, intertwining his fingers with yours and swinging your arm.

"Ryouta, that's Rei-kun and Rin-kun. You already know Mako and Nagisa-kun and you just met Haru-kun. Swimmers, this is my boyfriend, Ryouta." You introduced.

Rin narrowed his eyes at Kise, his red-violet gaze drilling straight through him. The blonde stiffened and you sighed in exasperation. Among your group of friends, Mako was your older loving brother, Rin was quiet but would spoil you rotten if you went out, Rei was the smart, dorky one, Haru was your cool brother that you had to watch out for around water, and Nagisa was your idiot younger brother that carried a sister complex. The thing they all had in common was that they were overprotective of you – especially Rin.

"So you're Kise, huh?" He folded his arms, looking Kise up and down. "What do you plan on doing after high school?"

"I'm going to be a basketball player. If that doesn't work I'll continue as a model or become a pilot." Kise answered unsurely, fidgeting under his intense gaze. Kasamatsu was intimidating but the shark-toothed swimmer looked like he would kill him.

The dark, overprotective aura seemed to infect Rei and Haru and the atmosphere became tense. You became nervous and looked at your boyfriend worriedly. Not many guys passed their interrogations and still stayed with you afterwards.

"That's quite a wide range, Kise-san. Why do you pick those professions?" Rei added. He pushed up his glasses and they gleamed ominously in the light.

"How come you didn't mention (Y/N)-chan?" Haru prodded, his blank mask holding an untold terror.

Kise unconsciously tightened his grip on your hand as the three older males leered forward. "I'm great at basketball, I model already, and I think piloting would be fun. O-of course (Y/N)cchi is going to be in my future–"

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