4. Kagami Taiga: First Date

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4. Kagami Taiga: First Date

*Important question in the author's note

After smoothing down your floral patterned dress, you glanced at your reflection one last time in the mirror. Your (H/C) hair was pulled up in a bun and you applied minimal makeup to your face. You wore one of your newer dresses you had even ironed for the occasion and kept a small bag hanging from your shoulder. What was this special event, you might ask?

You were going on your first date with Seirin's basketball ace, Kagami Taiga.

You two had confessed your feelings to one another at the victory party celebrating Seirin's latest win. He asked you with a tomato red face if you wanted to see a movie with him; of course you said yes. Kuroko told you later on that Kagami had been practicing his confession for you for weeks when he thought nobody was paying attention and that made you giggle.

It was really sweet that Kagami cared so much. Most people thought he was a hotheaded idiot who only cared about basketball. While that was true to a certain point, he was much more than that. Kagami was also a kind guy who cared passionately about things he liked. He could cook and kept his life organized.

If that wasn't goals, you didn't know what was.

You phone let out a small 'ding' and you snatched it from your dresser with inhuman reflexes.

My Bakagami <3: I'm here

You slid your phone into your bag, careful to make sure you didn't leave it laying around somewhere. Smiling ear to ear, you ran down your stairs and skipped to the front door. You paused to smooth down your dress and pat your hair - you could never be too careful. Taking a deep breath, your slightly shaking hands wrapped around the doorknob and jerked open the door.

Kagami stood on your front porch with his hands in his pockets. His dark eyes widened in surprise when he saw you, causing your face to grow pink. A shy smile grew on your blushing face and you nervously shifted from one foot to the other.

I overdressed! You internally wailed. I should've just worn regular clothes!

Unbeknownst to you, Kagami was facing a somewhat similar dilemma. Dammit, I knew I should've worn nicer clothes! She's all dressed up and I'm just wearing a regular jacket and jeans. Ahomine, you'll pay for making me wear this. This is the last time I'll ever pick your words over Himuro's for dating logic.

He made a mental note to never ask Aomine for non-basketball advice ever again.

"So, um, are we going to head over to the movie theater?" You asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah!" Kagami said, scratching the back of his head. "Let's go."

You shut the door behind you and followed the redhead, your mind scrambling for a topic to talk about. Before, you could've tripped yourself and fell down and you two would be talking all afternoon. But now you two were on a date. Everything felt different. You and Kagami walked down the sidewalk in an uncomfortable silence before he finally spoke up.

"You like really nice, (Y/N)-chan," Kagami complimented, his cheeks flushing with color. "I've, uh, never seen that dress before. It's a nice dress."

"Thanks, I got it a few days ago." You explained, smiling at his compliment. "You look really nice, too."

"Uh, thank you," he said quietly. He turned his face away and clenched his jaw in frustration. Dammit, he would get past this awkward wall. There was no way in the world talking to the girl he liked could be harder than facing one of the Generation of Miracles in a one-on-one. "So, what movie do you want to watch? I checked earlier and there's that new Harry Potter movie, Moana, and Trolls."

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