5. Aomine Daiki: Fun 'n Roses

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5. Aomine Daiki: Fun 'n Roses

"E-eh? What's all this?" Emiko gasped.

Her large, amber eyes sparkled with tears as she took in the scene around her: fairy-lights acted like vines as they crept around every crevice of the gazebo to give it an ethereal feeling. In the center of the structure, a table full of assorted goods such as her favorite chocolates and cakes laid out on display on top of fine white china. Soft music made up of guitars played in the background thanks to her lover's small radio.The lights shone on the water, reflecting both the gazebo and the stars.

"I did it for you, my love," her boyfriend, Hatake, whispered as he encircled her in his arms. He brought one hand up to tuck back a lock of her hair as he smiled. "I'd do it a thousand more times again and again if it gets this reaction from you." He paused. "Do you like it?"

Emiko's tears spilled over as she nodded her head then clung to him, burying her face in his coat. "I love it, Hatake-kun!"


Your eye twitched in annoyance as your boyfriend, Aomine, plopped down beside you and began to pick at his teeth with his nails. You tried ignoring his obnoxious behavior to watch the rest of the movie; you were barely halfway done with it. He frowned when you kept your gaze on the scene so he stretched out on the couch, laying his legs on your lap and putting his hands behind his head.

Deep breaths, (Y/N), you told yourself, not taking your sights off of your TV. He'll get bored eventually. Or so you hoped.

"Why do you girls even like crappy movies like this? There's nothing to them." Aomine complained with his eyes shut to make him look nonchalant. "A girl moves to a new town and she meets a hot guy and then they fall in love, some type of dumb shit goes on, blablabla and wow, they're together again at the end."

It took all your self-control not to snap at him.

He wasn't impressed by your silent treatment. The bluenette opened his mouth to instigate more before an idea came to mind. He sat up and smirked at you. "Hey, (Y/N). I know something that's a lot more fun than watching two old people kiss."

"Reading porn magazines?" You halfheartedly guessed.

"That is a lot more fun, but that's not what I was talking about." Aomine took his legs off of you and crawled right next to you were sitting. He pushed your hair back and leaned against you so his lips were brushing against your ear and whispered with his hot breath fanning your neck, "How about we ditch this room and have a game of one-on-one in the bedroom?"

"You can go have all the one-on-one time you want by yourself." You snorted, softly pushing his head away. "I'm trying to watch a movie."

He clenched his jaw in annoyance and sat up, his dark, stormy blue gaze burning holes into Emiko's head. "How is watching this movie better than having fun?"

"Hey, watching this movie is fun. It's cute and romantic." You spared a glance at your boyfriend to raise your eyebrows and give him a pointed look. "You should try it some time."

"I do lots of stuff for you." He huffed, crossing his arms across his chest as he sunk into the couch's cushions.

Oh, this would be good. You paused the film and turned to face him, sitting crisscross applesauce. "When have you ever done anything remotely romantic?"

"I pay for our food when we go out to eat."

"The only times I ever let you pay for my food is when we get stuff off of the dollar menu at that burger place Kuroko-san likes to go."

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