1. Takao Kazunari: Birds Over Carrots

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1. Takao Kazunari: Birds Over Carrots

        The first time you met Takao, he ran into you and made you drop all of your things and spilt melon juice all over your uniform. You were immensely pissed off and it took two weeks of him constantly pestering you before you said you forgave him. He laughed and said that it meant you two were friends and you agreed.

        That was last year in junior high. Now the two of you were inseparable in high school and you even had all your classes together. On weekends you spent the days together, even if it meant the carrot-colored megane coming with Takao. Midorima irked you sometimes with his crude comments but not that much because they were usually funny. You often giggled at his snide remarks at Takao until they got really mean and you scolded him.

        You began to spend a lot of time with Midorima and you even began to grow a crush on him. He was a smart, handsome, athletic, and a tsundere. Who doesn’t love tsunderes? It took a while but you fell for him and now you were crushing so hard you began to daydream about him. You would always blush at your thoughts and quickly hid them when the said male and your best friend came into view and acted normal.

        But not normal enough for Takao not to notice.

        You knocked on Takao’s door and tapped your fingers against your leg impatiently. Patience was never your virtue and it was quickly wearing thin. You lifted your hand to knock again but the door swung open and revealed a brightly smiling basketball player. He yanked you into the house before you could greet him and slammed the door and quickly pulled you into the kitchen.

        “What’s the hurry?” You asked with a small laugh. “Are you burning something, Kazu?”

        Takao chuckled and rolled his eyes. “No, I found a recipe online for edible cookie dough and I thought we should make it. Here,” He threw you a (F/C) apron identical to his orange one and you put your head through the loop and squeaked in surprise when he pulled you towards him and quickly knotted the back string into a neat bow. “There we go, now we’re matchers~”

        You grinned. “Okay, so what do we need to do?”

        “I already got the ingredients and cooking cups out. We need to mix the ¾ cup of brown sugar, ¼ cup of vanilla, one cup of flour, ¼ cup of milk, ¼ cup of butter, let it cool down, and then add half a cup of chocolate chips.” Takao read off of his phone.

        You blinked. “Uh, repeat the measurements, please?”

        Both of you laughed and began to gather measure the ingredients and put it in a cute polka-dot bowl and you began to mix it together. You didn’t notice that Takao eyed you mischievously with a small smirk on his face while you chatted. The only thing you paid attention to was the tan dough you were tossing around and you put the chocolate chips in and mixed it in more then put it in the fridge. You turned around and wiped your hands off on a washcloth and gave him a thumbs up.

        “Now we just got to wait~” You chirped.

        “How good would you say your reflexes are, (Y/N)-chan?” Takao asked, cocking his head innocently to the side. Behind his back he grabbed a fistful of flour and gave you a goofy smile.

        “I don’t know, average, maybe?” You responded slowly. After spending so much time with Takao, one learns to pick up on signs from the troublemaker and you were scared on what he was planning. “Why are you asking?”

        “Think fast!” Takao yelled. He threw the flour into your face, coating you in fine white powder and laughed hysterically at your stunned expression. “BAHAHAHAHA, YOUR FACE!”

        “You’re dead!” You squealed.

        You grabbed an egg from the carton besides you and launched it at his chest, proud of how the yolk exploded on the apron. Takao smirked and began to launch more flour at you and you yelped and began to hurl whatever ingredient was closest to you at him. Minutes later you were covered in flour and sugar while Takao was caked in yolk and drenched with milk. The both of you were clutching your stomachs as you howled in laughed at one another, to the point where Takao was rolling around on the ground and your knees gave out so you were pounding your fist against the tiled floor.


        You gasped for breath as you grabbed the counter and stood up shakily and took the cookie dough out of the fridge while giggling. Takao chuckled as he rose to his feet and gave you a spoon and took a huge bite. He laid his hand over his chest and let out an exaggerated moan of delight, batting his eyelids and gasping loudly.

        “This tastes amazing. We should cook more often.” He cooed as he took another bite.

        You giggled and ate a spoonful, adoring the sweet taste and soft texture. “We did great for first timers.”

        You held your hand up for a high-five and Takao slapped his hand against yours and wrapped his fingers around your wrist and pulled you against his chest. You squeaked and looked up at him questioningly and he stared down at you with an abnormally calm way. His smile was small and he cupped your cheek with his other hand and chuckled.

        “Kazu?” You whispered.

        “I know you like Shin-chan,” he stated. You opened your mouth to ask why and he continued. “Other people wouldn’t notice it, but I’ve been around you a long time plus I have my hawk eyes.” He winked for emphasis. “I admire Shin-chan a lot, but I don’t want him to be your boyfriend. I want to be your boyfriend.

        You gaped at him, unable to function. Takao, your adorable friend full of pranks and mischief, wanted to be your boyfriend? You doubted he was joking by the seriousness in his tone and couldn’t think of anything to say back. Of course you liked Takao, but you never thought of him in that way. You liked Midorima, your first crush. Right? …right?

        Takao was unaffected by your speechlessness began to gingerly rub the flour off your cheeks. “I also know you haven’t had your first kiss, went on a date, or had a crush before Shin-chan, too. I always thought I was going to have all those firsts with you.” He paused and stared intensely into your eyes and murmured lowly, “Can I be your first kiss, (Y/N)-chan?”

        “Yes,” you replied in an almost inaudible voice.

        He heard it. Slowly, carefully, he slid his eyelids shut and tilted his head while leaning in. You watched him until he was a hair apart and shut your eyelids and gripped onto his apron. His lips gently pressed upon yours and you nearly gasped in shock. It felt like you were tingling with electricity, sparks flying in every direction as you kissed. Fireworks, dynamite, a light-bulb, whatever was happening it made you feel magical.

        The feeling didn’t last forever because Takao pulled back and smiled. “I know you might not like me right now, but I’m going to fight for you, (Y/N)-chan.”

        You quietly giggled. “You don’t have to fight a battle you’ve already won, Kazu.”

        Takao brightened up and smashed his lips against you and then picked you up and spun you in a circle. You squealed at him to put you down and he pressed kisses against your forehead, cheeks, nose, chin, and lips. After waiting so long, he could now call you his girlfriend.


Please send in character requests, even if you already submitted one ^o^

Lots of love, Cora-chan <3

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