1. Kagami Taiga: Hot Spring

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1. Kagami Taiga: Hot Spring

You wanted to squeal as you shed your clothes and put them to the side. Putting your (H/C) hair up in a messy bun, you covered your fluffy white towel around yourself and glanced at your reflection. You looked pretty awesome rocking that towel. Giggling, you slid on your sandals and exited the changing room.

Your parents had decided to stay at a hotel that had a hot spring and you were really excited. Apparently hot springs were supposed to be like heaven on Earth, and that thought alone made you want to dive head first into the warm water. You've never been in a hot spring before, but you knew that this one would be amazing.

You shuffled over to the water, kicking off your sandals and putting them to the side. Dipping a toe in, you grinned like an idiot when you met splendidly warm water. You unwrapped the towel around you and folded it, placing it near the edge of the pool. Biting down on your lip, you placed one foot in the water and then the other. You slowly sat down, relishing the feeling of the water swelling around you. Your eyelids slid shut and you let out a loud moan of utmost pleasure.

The sound of water moving met your ears and you opened an eyelid. That sure as hell wasn't you making all that noise. You turned your head to the foggiest part of the hot spring and narrowed your eyes in suspicion. A large figure moved in the mist made its way to the side. Your face turned red when you saw the toned man more clearly, his glistening and absolutely ripped torso becoming more evident when he stepped out. Your eyes trailed up the man, (E/C) eyes meeting crimson.

Then, you actually began to think.

"OH MY GOD!" You shrieked, hands flying up to cover your chest. "What are you doing in here, Kagami?!?"

Kagami stumbled back, eyes widening and his face becoming redder than his hair. "I came in here with the basketball team!" He cried, politely avoiding his eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"My parents are on vacation here!" You replied, cheeks flushing pink. "The person told me this one was empty, too." You frowned. "I don't even see the basketball team here, either."

"I fell asleep," he sighed, running his hand through his hair. "I guess they left me here." Kagami wadded over to the side and began to pull himself up. "Goodbye, (Y/N)."

"Stop it!" You wailed, hands flying up to cover your face. "Please have some modesty!"

"I'm wearing swimming trunks," Kagami stated.

You slowly put your hands and glanced up at him. Sure enough, dark blue swimming trunks clung to his muscular figure. You could literally feel your hormones heighten and mouth water at the sight. Who could blame you? You were just like every other male-loving female on the planet.

"Stop staring," Kagami grumbled, pulling you out of your revere.

"I'm not staring," you protested, your face being pulled into an adorable pout.

Kagami rolled his eyes. "Sure,"

"I wasn't!" You insisted.

"Yes, you were,"


"You were, (Y/N),"

"No, I wasn't!"

"I saw you, you were staring."

"I'm leaving," you huffed, crossing your arms.

Without thinking, you rose out of the pool and gave the redhead a fantastic view of your (S/C) birthday suit. His face burned, but he couldn't look away. He was a regular teenage boy, too, right?

You froze when you remember you were naked and quickly snatched up your towel. Wrapping it around your figure, your face was on fire as you stormed over to Kagami. You extended your right hand's pointer finger and jabbed it against his chest.

"You were staring!" You hissed.

"You were the one who got out of the hot springs naked." Kagami retorted, crossing his arms. He wasn't going to mention how you loosely tied the fluffy white cloth around your chest and how his height gave him a nice peek at your chest. "That was your fault."

"You could've walked away!" You squeaked, ducking your head. "I'm leaving now."

You spun around on your heels and slid your feet into the sandals. Stalking towards the building, you glanced over your shoulder to where Kagami was. He was still watching you and your cheeks remained pink. You offered a small wave which he returned and slid into the changing room.

He is really cute, you thought with a smile. Then you furiously shook your head. What are you thinking, (Y/N)?! There's no way you could like that pervert... right?

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