1. Kuroko Tetsuya: Math Support

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1. Kuroko Tetsuya: Math Support

          You ground your teeth in frustration, narrowing your eyes to slits. Violently erasing your paper, it took all you had not to break out cussing when the thin parchment ripped. Sharply inhaling, you shut your eyelids as to find your inner peace. But that didn’t work. At all. The (H/C) haired girl slumped in her seat with a large sigh. Deciding to give up, she buried her head under her arms to try to block out everyone else.

          Behind you, blank sky-blue eyes watched your defeated form. He shifted, pushing his much loved manga to the side of his desk. The bluenette bit down on the inside of his cheek, debating with himself. But when he saw your half-completed paper, he thought it would be the best decision to help. Silently sliding out of his seat, he walked over to your desk and tapped you on the arm.

          “Excuse me, do you need help?” He asked.

          You jumped, jerking up to an upright position. Heat spread up your cheeks when you saw him and shyly avoided his emotionless stare. “Um, uh, yeah,” you stammered. “Could you please help me, Kuroko-kun?”

          Kuroko nodded, pulling a chair over to the side of his desk. He sat his chin on his hand, peering down at your messy worksheet. “That’s wrong,” He stated, tracing a problem with a slender, pale finger. “You forgot to carry the one and you were supposed to multiply instead of divide.”

          “Wha?” You blanked, staring at him with dumbfounded (E/C) orbs. Glancing down at the paper, it seemed like it was Chinese instead of Algebra. “Wait, what? How? Why?”

          Kuroko spent the next hour explaining to you, murmuring quietly what to do. His soft tone put you at ease and his voice seemed to clear your head. Every so often, he would reach out when you were writing something and halt your hand with his. You couldn’t help but blush every time and notice the tiniest of things. Like the way he would barely tilt his head to the side when staring at a problem, or how his shiny blue hair would slightly sway when he moved.

        It was safe to say you had a huge crush on the basketball player. You’d met him during the summer when eating at Maji Burger by yourself because your friends had already gone home. The place was crowded, so you asked Kuroko if you could sit by him. He seemed surprised that you saw him, which befuddled you. How could someone not notice a person? You weren’t exactly the most observant person, but it was obvious that he was there like everyone else. So you would spend a little time with him during classes and talk to him when switching periods. You thought Kuroko was absolutely adorable.

        “(Y/N)-chan, what did you get?”

        You blinked, your daydreams having taken over your mind from the math. An awkward laugh escaped your mouth as you pushed random numbers in your calculator. “Um, 32?” You guessed.

        Kuroko shook his head. “No, it’s 168.”

        Your jaw dropped. “How?”

        Kuroko gave you a sideways glance that made you internally swoon and then turned to fully face you. “You’re not paying attention, (Y/N)-chan. Why?” He questioned, his blank façade not failing.

        Because I’m daydreaming about our future kids, you immediately thought.

        “I, um, was thinking about something,” you said, trying to figure a way out of the question. “But it wasn’t math, and, uh, yeah.”

        “What were you thinking about, then?” Kuroko asked, sky blue eyes boring into yours.

        Before you could answer, the bell rang. You quickly threw your papers and pencils into your binder, readjusting all of your folders. Standing up, you perched your things on your waist and found Kuroko right behind you.

        “Since we didn’t finish and you still need help, want to go to Maji Burger?” Kuroko asked.        

        “Sure!” You agreed immediately, a dorky smile growing on your face.

        Kuroko gave you one of his too rare smiles and replied, “Then it’s a date. See you after seventh period, (Y/N)-chan.”

        “Okay!” You chirped, going your separate ways down the hallway. A few steps later, you came to a complete halt and your face turned bright red. Students grumbled as they weaved around you, but you didn’t process it. “Wait, did he say date?”

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