1. Kiyoshi Teppei: Timeliness

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1.  Kiyoshi Teppei: Timeliness

“(L/N) (F/N)? What about her? I’m not connected to her!”

“Why do you want to bother her? The last person that annoyed her she nearly threw them off the rooftop.”

“The only way I can describe her is by calling her terrifying and violent.”

“She’s cruel and heartless.”

“She doesn’t care about anything.”

When you walked down a hallway people would part out of your way. Your hard (E/C) stare would make them pale and shiver, running to get away from you. You had the entire ‘punk rock’ look with your hair chopped in fashionable, uneven layers and it was streaked in your favorite colors. Fishnets and fingerless gloves were a part of your everyday wear, along with your bold eye makeup and impish smirk.

The real reason people feared you was because of your anger problems. You got suspended every year for beating someone up when they pushed your patience too far. On your last year of middle school on graduation day you pushed a guy who had been teasing you the whole year off the stage because he was playing with your diploma. He broke his arm and you were banned from school property like you actually wanted to go back.

You were kicked out of the all-girls academy your parents sent you to for your first year of high school because you slapped a girl who dissed your parents. Your parents put you into Seirin and it was surprisingly peaceful. The only rambunctious thing that happened so far was that basketball players screamed at the student body on top of the school and you weren’t even apart of that.

No one bothered you. It was lonely, really. Even new people would avoid you because of all the rumors circulating around you. You weren’t a psychopath, your parents weren’t dead, and you were not a member of the Yakuza.

During class you always sat at your usual seat – in the back of the room to the left next to the window – with your chin in your hand. There was one empty seat next to you and you liked to pretend it was your favorite characters or celebrities. You would get so bored during class that you would pretend to have conversations with them.

Little did you know that one brunette basketball player would change all of that.

On Monday morning you were immersed in a manga you purchased the day before when the door opened noisily. You looked up and raised your eyebrows as a tall, muscular boy with thick eyebrows and messy brown hair walked in with a dopey smile on his face. He turned to the class and chuckled, grabbing everyone’s attention if they weren’t already staring at him.

“Good morning, my name is Kiyoshi Teppei! I’m a returning student from the first year and I’m sure we’ll have a great year together!” He greeted.

Your teacher grinned at his enthusiasm and scanned the room, the joy in her eyes dimming when she looked at you. “Kiyoshi-kun, you can take the last seat next to (L/N)-chan. (L/N)-chan, please raise your hand.”

You did so quite sarcastically and watched through narrowed eyes as Kiyoshi walked over to you, that dorky expression never leaving his face. Unlike most people, he was unfazed by your appearance and turned to you when he sat down.

“I haven’t seen you around before. Are you a new student?” He asked, tilting his head to the side with child-like curiosity shining in his eyes.

“I am. My name’s (L/N) (F/N).” You introduced, faking a closed-lip smile. “You don’t have to pretend like you want to talk to me.”

Kiyoshi blinked owlishly. “Why wouldn’t I want to talk to you? You seem interesting and kind to me.”

You fought back a snort and bit on your tongue from laughing. “Oh, okay, sure. Whatever you say, Kiyoshi-kun.”

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