2. Kasamatsu Yukio: Ricochet

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2.  Kasamatsu Yukio: Ricochet

{Zombie Apocalypse AU}

In the beginning, it was you, the Kaijo basketball team, the Shūtoku basketball team, Yosen’s basketball team, and Kasamatsu’s younger sister, Atsuko.

A year later, it was you, Kasamatsu, Kise, Midorima, Miyaji, Takao, Murasakibara, Himuro, Masako, Okamura, Liu, Moriyama, and Atsuko.

Two years later, just yesterday, it was down to just you, Kasamatsu, Kise, Midorima, Takao, Murasakibara, Himuro, Masako, Okamura, and Moriyama.

Camp was set up in a valley, bordered by steep hills that took almost a week to get out of by walking. There was also a river, but no one would think of blindly riding a raft into what looked like mountains. The group was traveling to what was supposed to be a refugee camp on the other side and it was a daunting task.

Kise and your boyfriend, Kasamatsu, came back from their hunting trip last night. Kasamatsu barely acknowledged you before retiring to bed. You understood that he was tired and watched him sadly as he went to rinse off in the river. Kise put his hand on your shoulder and led you off, his optimistic mask slipping off when you were away from the others outside of camp.

“(Y/N)cchi, Senpai isn’t right in the head.” He stated. The seriousness in his eyes gave you goosebumps.

“His sister died, Kise. He needs recovery time.” You insisted, folding your arms. You swallowed the bile in your throat; you could practically hear her screams for help and cries of terror. “You know he blames himself for what happened to Atsuko.”

Kise sighed and leaned against a tree. “When we were hunting today, we came across a Biter. It was stuck under a fallen tree, missing an arm and we wouldn’t have seen it until it groaned. Kasamatsu-senpai just lost it. He attacked it and beat it until it was mush.”

“Oh,” you whispered.

You had a clear image of him destroying the Biter. His sharp features would be twisted in fury as he growled through clenched teeth. He would lift his axe into the air, his muscles bulging as he hacked at the Biter and crying out in frustration. Tears would be in his eyes as he cursed at it and fell to his knees when he was done, Kise would’ve been standing a few feet away with wide, terrified eyes. Kasamatsu would’ve taken a shaky breath then threaten Kise not to tell anyone about it and continue on the hunting trip.

“You need to talk to him. He’s losing it.” Kise pleaded worriedly. “He can’t become crazy like how Takeuchi-sensei was.”

Takeuchi was left in the beginning because he tried to kill Midorima when he wouldn’t go near his bitten wife.

“I will, I will,” you said, running a hand through your hair. “Go wash up. Moriyama and Himuro are making lunch right now.”

Kise nodded and hesitantly left you. You walked around aimlessly with your arms wrapped around yourself as you thought of how to talk to Kasamatsu, shivering from the icy early spring air. Warm arms wrapped around your waist and you sunk against the familiar chest, cuddling into him before turning around and greeting him with a kiss.

“I’m sorry for brushing you off so coldly earlier.” Kasamatsu apologized, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

You cupped his cheek, smiling when he leaned into your hand and shut his eyes. “It’s fine, Yukio. No one can blame you for being tired.” It’s now or never. “Kise was telling me about the hunting trip. Are you okay?”

He stiffened and furrowed his eyebrows. “I told that idiot to keep his mouth shut.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” You asked softly.

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