2. Kagami Taiga: Pickup Lines

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2. Kagami Taiga: Pickup Lines

"Use pickup lines!" Kise exclaimed. His bright, honey brown eyes shone excitedly and a smile stretched across his face as he leaned forwards and clapped his hands together. "It'll be great! Plus pickup lines always work!"

Kagami frowned, tossing aside another Maji Burger wrapper and starting on a new one. "But don't girls hate pickup lines?" He objected, taking a bite out of the sandwich. "I don't want to look stupid in front of (Y/N), Kise."

"I'm sure she'll love them, Kagamicchi. She's always laughing at those puns and pickup lines are just like them, but for dating." Kise chirped, proud of himself for thinking of the idea. "I'll text you the best pickup lines I know and then you can tell them to (Y/N)cchi after school. You can trust me, ne~"

"I guess so," Kagami sighed. "You're the only one who knows about girls and you can't be that bad since they're always stalking you."

"Exactly!" Kise laughed, oblivious to the insult. He laced his fingers together and set his chin on them, watching the other male closely. "So you're confessing to her after basketball practice tomorrow, right?"

Kagami choked on his burger, his face turning cotton candy pink. He slammed his fist against his chest and coughed, trying to regain his breath and scowled at the blonde. Avoiding his prodding gaze, he huffed, "Why do I have to do it so soon?"

"Because if you don't do it soon, then you'll chicken out and never get around to it!" Kise chuckled, amused by the sudden bashfulness the hotheaded player displayed. "Who knows? Maybe someone else might confess to her sooner~"

"Like hell someone would," Kagami instantly snarled. The redhead's fists clenched and his eyes glittered with danger. A murderous air surrounded him and he shot a death glare at his rival. "Fine, I'll do it tomorrow."

Kise hid his smirk with a big grin and thumbs up. "Okay~ You know what? I'll actually write the pickup lines down on index cards and drop them off right before you confess." The blonde hopped up and waved, mischief dancing on his handsome features. "See ya, Kagamicchi~"

The said basketball player merely nodded in return, nervous terror curdling his stomach. He was starting to regret asking Kise for advice on girls, and now he was going to have to pay for it. But it couldn't end up too bad, right?



The court was full of shoes squeaking and balls bouncing, the causes of the noises running around with sweat shining on their flushed faces. It was a typical Seirin practice, with Riko relentlessly shouting out mistakes at the players and them grumbling about needing a break when she did.

Kagami thought she was being rather harsh that day and he gritted his teeth as he picked up his pace, cleanly stealing the ball from Izuki. He spun around and darted across the court, leaping up with a loud yell and slamming the basketball into the hoop. A smirk grew on his face and then a chill fell down his spine. Riko had said after the last point was scored, practice was over. And when practice was over, he was going to confess his feelings to you.

"What's with that face?" Hyūga snapped, slapping the redhead harshly on the back. "Hurry up and get changed, baka. You're standing in the way."

Kagami muttered an apology and slowly changed, dreading every passing second. He finally stood in casual clothing and heaved out a sigh and stared at his reflection in the mirror. Sweat still clung to his neck so he splashed water on his face and rubbed it off. He straightened back up and yelped when he saw Kise smirking at him in the mirror, fanning himself with index cards.

"What the hell, Kise?!" Kagami barked, turning around to face him. "That wasn't funny, dammit!"

"I've been in here for the past five minutes, Kagamicchi. I was talking to Kurokocchi outside before he said you were in here." Kise explained, shrugging. He stuck his arm out with the index cards lying in his palm and Kagami reluctantly grabbed them. "They're sure to win (Y/N)cchi over!" Kise continued, leading Kagami out of the locker room. The Copycat smirked when he saw you pushing the basketball cart to the supply closet and pushed the stumbling redhead with all of his might towards you. "Good luck! I'm cheering for you!"

"Screw you, Kise," Kagami hissed, sending a glare over his shoulder at the retreating model. "When this is over, I'm going to-"

"Hi, Tai-chan!"

Kagami blinked and turned his focus back to you. You stared up at him with a smile, leaning on the basketball cart. Your soft (H/L) (H/C) he secretly longed to touch was pulled up into a ponytail and your (E/C)-eyed gaze made him freeze up. You made the girls' school uniform look fashionable and he fought the urge to flee. Sure, he might've played each member of the Generation of Miracles in basketball games with their unmeasurable fearsome tension, but this was entirely different. Instead of relying on his basketball abilities, now he had to rely on his emotional output. If that wasn't true terror, he didn't know what was.

"Oh, h-hi, (Y/N)," Kagami stammered. He shook his head and cleared his throat, yelling at himself to stop being a wimp. "I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Oh really? What is it?" You asked, your smile growing.

Kagami glanced down at the index card and proclaimed loudly so he wouldn't mess up and stutter, "Is your daddy a baker? Because you have a nice set of buns."

"Wait, what?" You gasped, your face turning pink.

"W-w-wait! That's not what I meant!" Kagami cried with a blushing face, flipping to the next card. "My love for you is like diarrhea – I just can't hold it in." His face grew scarlet and he could hear the chuckles from behind him, courtesy of his teammates. He turned to the next card and practically shouted, "Your body is Wonderland and I want to be Alice!"

"T-Taiga!" You spluttered, your own face growing into a ripe tomato.

Kagami began to rapidly flip through the cards and say them all aloud, "You must've farted because you blew me away. If you were a chicken, you'd be impeccable. Hoops aren't the only things I want to slam balls into."

"The last one!" Kise yelled from the sidelines with the rest of the onlookers.

This better be good. Kagami thought. "If you were a burger at McDonald's, you'd be the McGorgeous." A soft giggle met his ears with that one and Kagami's eyes widened when he saw you doubled over, laughing your head off. "Wait, you actually liked that one?"

"Those are ridiculous!" You gasped between your giggles. "Oh my God! Where'd you get those?"

"Kise," Kagami grumbled. He rubbed the back of his neck and sat down next to you. Interest swelled up in you and you watched him with curiously. "The truth is that I've really liked you for a long while, (Y/N). I didn't know how to say it, so I asked for help and I ended up embarrassing myself with terrible pickup lines. I get it if you don't feel the same."

"I think it's really sweet," you giggled, making him perk up at your words. "Even if those pickup lines were horrible, they were hilarious. It means a lot to me to know you actually asked for help on how to confess, even if it was really bad advice." You shyly lowered your gaze to your hands and softly murmured, "I feel the same way, Tai-chan."

A smile grew on Kagami's face and he pecked you on your cheek, causing you to softly gasp. He wrapped his much larger hands around yours and helped you up. When he did so, it felt like a billion pounds was taken off his shoulders. He did it!

"Let's go get something to eat, then." Kagami chuckled. He led you towards the doors and narrowed his eyes at Kise and threw the cards at his feet. "Good luck with those stupid pickup lines."

"But they worked, didn't they?" Kise queried with a playful wink. "I knew (Y/N)cchi wouldn't be able to not fall for them!"

Kagami just snorted and pulled you along faster, not wanting to admit that they did indeed work.

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