2. Murasakibara Atsushi: Snowy Days

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2. Murasakibara Atsushi: Snowy Days

You gasped at the sight in front of you and chuckled. "Maybe we should pay more attention to the news."

Outside the window was a swirling mass of white layering everything outside in snow. You could hear the soft whirring of the wind blowing against your house, watching in fascination as it made crystalline snowflakes slice through the air like razors. Usually your window showed most of your neighborhood but you couldn't see past your backyard's fence.

Your six-foot-ten boyfriend threw his coat back onto a hanger and walked away to your kitchen. "I'm not going out there."

"I know you aren't," you said, following after him. You watched him reach into the cupboard and take out hot chocolate packets so you grabbed some mugs and filled them with milk. "I knew it was going to snow, but I didn't know it was going to be like a blizzard."

"Let's watch a movie," he suggested.

"Sure," you chirped.

He grabbed the marshmallow packet out of your pantry and put some in the hot chocolate then took out the whip cream and sprayed on a two inch layer. You sweatdropped at the giant toppings and watched amusedly as Murasakibara slurped up some of the whip cream, his lip decorated in a white mustache. If he was shorter, you maybe could've stood up on your tippy toes and kissed it off of him. But like you said before, he was six-foot-ten so you would have to climb onto the counter and hold his shoulders to do so.

I wish I was taller, you sulked, sipping the sweet hot chocolate. I'm not even that short, it's just that he's a titan.

You grinned at the reference and slurped your hot chocolate as you followed him back into the living room. He plopped down on the couch and stretched his legs out, pawing for the bag of chips on the end table before shoveling in a mouthful. You set down your mug and flipped through your movie collection, softly humming along to the theme song of the sitcom on TV. Murasakibara lazily flipped through the channels absentmindedly and watched you instead.

You perked up when you saw familiar princesses on a blue case and you held it up, smiling brightly. "Do you want to build a snowman?"

"Frozen again, (Y/S/N)-chin?" Murasakibara mumbled from behind the rim of his cup.

"Why not?" You giggled. "It's perfect since everything's covered in ice outside."

"Okay," he muttered.

You inserted the disc and grabbed the remote then took your regular seat in between Murasakibara's legs. He wrapped one arm around you and used the other to drink while you covered yourself in your fuzzy (F/C) blanket. You leaned back with your back to his chest and laid your head on his shoulder, softly humming along as the movie began. Murasakibara sighed into your ear and you smiled.

Forty minutes into the movie the mugs were on the end table and you were completely intertwined with Murasakibara. You rested your head on his chest with your arms on either side of him, fingers intertwined with his. Your legs were entangled and the steady beat of his heart and slow rise and fall of his chest lulled you into complete and utter relaxation. You weren't too hot or too cold in the position and you felt like all was right in the world.

Murasakibara smelled like maiubo and cinnamon, curtesy of the snacks you provided earlier. The songs provided from the movie were distant joyful hums with words that blurred in your ears. You were more caught up in staring at the falling snowflakes outside that were gathering on the windowsill. Snow was your favorite part of winter and if it wasn't nine o'clock at night and about ten degrees Fahrenheit outside you would be playing in it.

The movie ended and Murasakibara opened his mouth to ask you if you wanted to watch another movie when he saw you were asleep. Your plump lips were slightly parted as you breathed, the softest of snores emitting from you. Beautiful (E/C) eyes were hidden by your eyelids with your eyelashes brushing against his blue t-shirt. You had a serene look on your face that looked so cute it made him blush the tiniest bit.

"You fell asleep again, (Y/S/N)-chin." He stated quietly. "How am I supposed to get up?"

Since your form was tangled with his and you were on top, he wasn't sure what to do at first. He slowly moved your legs away from his and unwrapped your arms, setting your head ever so carefully on the pillow. Stretching, he raised his arms up and yawned, watching you with half-lidded eyes as you continued to sleep.

"I thought Mido-chin was a deep sleeper. You would've been doomed during a Teikou sleepover." He mused to himself. Memories of Midorima's yells when he woke up with obscene drawings on his face and his lucky item gone replayed in his mind and he shook his head. "He was noisy."

Murasakibara picked you up bridal style and carried you to your room and set you on your bed. He kicked off his slippers and joined you, pulling the covers over the two of you and squishing you against him. Not very many people knew it but he was a huge cuddler. Whenever the two of you were alone he'd pull you onto his lap or envelop you in a hug with so you were encased by him and him only.

When the two of you began dating nobody really knew. The both of you would eat on the rooftop but he was running late because he fell asleep in his math class. He arrived when a puny classmate was confessing to you and a rage he never knew he had sparked into a wildfire. The boy never had it coming when he was dragged away from your shocked form and almost had his skull crushed by the violet gargantuan. Murasakibara promised him if he ever tried to do something like that ever again that he would end him.

After that you received no more confessions and he started his simple PDA of holding hands and giving killer looks to any male that looked at you.

He twitched just at the memory of that guy and held you tighter, staring down at your face. You were more precious to him than chocolate bars or even maiubo and that was a lot.

"I love you, (Y/S/N)-chin," he declared almost inaudibly and kissed the top of your head. "G'night,"


This wasn't my best and I'm so sorry for that TnT

But seriously, 300+ votes?? Just last week I barely had like 80! You guys are freaking awesome and I love you to bits :D

Lots of love, Cora-chan <3

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