1. Kise Ryouta: Just You and Me

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1. Kise Ryouta: Just You and Me

        You paled, staring up at the rollercoaster in absolute terror. It had two loop-de-loops, went backwards, and soared over the whole carnival. There was no way in hell you were going on that. However, it seemed like the rest of your group had already donned it as the next ride everyone was to go on and you were about ready to burst into tears. Just being near it gave you an adrenaline rush and you were about two minutes away from passing out.

        The blonde next to you seemed to notice your discomfort and draped an arm around you. “Ne, (Y/N)cchi, are you okay?”

        “No,” you moaned. You pressed your head against his shoulder and breathed in his cologne and the scent began to help you calm down. “I really don’t want to go on this, Ryo-chan.”

        “It’s okay,” He cooed. “I’m scared to go on the rollercoaster, too. Let’s just leave when they’re turned around and go somewhere else.”

        You nodded and gripped onto his arm and watched as the rest of the Generation of Miracles (along with Momoi and Kuroko) chatted with each other. When the line moved up, they all turned away and Kise quickly pulled you by your hand along with him out of the crowd and away from the rollercoaster. You sighed in relief and thought you were in the clear and realized Kise was still holding your hand. Blushing, you decided not to mention it and continued to walk with him side-by-side with your hands slightly swaying.

        “What do you want to do now, (Y/N)cchi?” Kise asked, giving you a bright smile.

        Other rides ran through your mind until your stomach gave out its very own whale song and you giggled, trying to hide your embarrassment. “I’m a little hungry, I guess,”

        “Then let’s go get food~” Kise chirped.

        You nodded in agreement as he led you around the carnival, buying the two of you various treats ranging from shaved ice to hotdogs. Despite your protesting that you could pay for your own snacks, Kise waved his hand and insisted that he had more than enough money to go around. Once you were down with your smoothie, you went to throw it away when something caught your eye. You turned over to the booth and saw a chibi (F/A/C) plushy hanging on the price rack. A soft gasp escaped you and you went to closer and your heart dropped; the game was to shoot as many hoops as you could in one minute and depending on how many points you scored, it decided on your prize. (F/A/C) was twenty points and there was no way you would be able to score that much.

        Kise saw you staring longingly at the chibi (F/A/C) plushy and smirked when he saw the game. “I can get that for you, (Y/N)cchi.”

        “You don’t have to. You’ve already paid for all the food, Ryouta. I can’t ask you to get me that (F/A/C) plushy.” You protested, frowning. He was making you feel guilty like you were using him.

        “It’s fine,” he insisted. The blonde turned towards the man running the booth and handed him a dollar bill. “I’ll play, Sir!”

        “Shoot as many points as you can in one minute.” The man replied, taking the bill and passing over a basketball in return.

        Kise nodded and took a shooting position and then the timer started. You and the man gaped at the Copycat as he scored shot after shot effortlessly. He just smirked and sent you a wink with his final shot that made your cheeks grow warm. By the time the minute was over, Kise had more than enough points to get any prize he wanted on the rack.

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