3. Midorima Shintarou: Not Alone

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3.   Midorima Shintarou: Not Alone

Thanks to the end of the semester, your life was a mess.

You were a good student that turned everything in and did her best on her assignments. Unlike many of your peers, you actually did your work so all you had to worry about was studying. You were fine with every subject but one.


Your lovely boyfriend was a biology whiz, but you didn’t want to bother him since he was stressed out about the Winter Cup. That meant you were on your own without even having Takao to complain to. It was your final test on next Friday and you were having a mental breakdown four hours into studying for it on the Thursday before.

You just couldn’t focus. The tiniest of things would throw you off task and you’d procrastinate studying for hours. One time your stomach growled so you took the scenic walk to the bubble tea place across the neighborhood and ate there while talking to a friend you ran into. An hour and a half later you were running back home and told yourself that you wouldn’t eat dinner until you memorized chapter’s three to six’s vocabulary.

“Binary fission is the asexual reproduction of a single-celled organism by division into two roughly equal parts.” You read aloud in a robotic voice, scowling. “What the hell’s the difference between that and mitosis?”

You didn’t hear knocking on your door and ran your hands through your hair, pulling at the roots as you groaned aloud.

“What is this? Why do I have to know this?” You ranted. Frustrated tears clouded your vision and you buried your face in your hands. “I’m going to fail! I’m going to fail biology then I’m going to have to retake it this summer and miss out on my life. What university wants a stupid student that’s not really good at anything and failed biology?”

The door to your house opened and footsteps leisurely climbed towards your room. However, you didn’t hear a thing. Your breathing quickened and you held tightly onto your desk’s edges, your knuckles turning white as you panicked more and more.

“I’m not going to get into a good university. My career is doomed. I’m going to end up living poorly or having to rely on a wealthier husband to support me. Whatever happened to being independent? Who wants a wife that just uses his money for her own needs?” You wailed into your hands.

The greenette intruder paused by your door and you clenched your hands into fists. “I can’t force anybody to do that! I’d be a terrible person if I did that.” You lowered your voice and hid your head in your folded arms on your desk as you let out a soft sob. “Nobody’s going to love me.”

“(Y/N)-chan, what are you talking about, nanodayo?” Midorima asked, the slightest amount of concern slipping into his tone.

“E-eh?” You shrieked. Terribly startled, you fell off of your chair onto the ground and let out a high-pitched whine as you cut yourself on the scissors you were using on your project earlier. “Owwwwieeeee~”

Midorima was immediately at your side inspecting your arm. He shook his head and placed the scissors the eerily reminded him of the one’s Akashi used on Kagami on top of your desk and lifted you to your feet. “You need to work on your coordination, nanodayo. Sit on your bed and don’t do anything reckless, I’ll get the disinfectant kit.”

You tried to fix up your face as he disappeared, rubbing away your tears and fanning your cheeks in hopes that the red flush would go away. It was a fruitless attempt as you looked at yourself in the mirror and saw your wild (H/C) hair, puffy (E/C) eyes, and blotched (S/C) face. You were silent as Midorima came back to you and fixed you up, not even wincing at the spray he used.

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