5. Akashi Seijuro: Dominance

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5. Akashi Seijuro: Dominance

It was do or die.

If you won, you got to order Akashi around for an entire week straight.

However, if you lost, your boyfriend would be able to make you do whatever he wanted for a week.

You were starting to regret ever agreeing to play tag with Akashi. There was one minute left in the game and you were hiding on top of the rooftop, praying that he wouldn't be able to find you. You were almost shaking as you watched the seconds slowly count down on your phone and gasped when you heard footsteps on the stairs.

Panicking, you hurried up the ladder to the platform on top of the entrance and lied down on your belly and flattened yourself to the ground. The door opened and you held your breath, watching with wide, terrified eyes as Akashi walked out. He scanned the area then turned around, meeting your pale face with a malicious smirk.

You squeaked when he sprinted towards the ladder and you jumped to your feet and scooted to the edge of the platform and dangled your legs off, hesitating. The jump was about ten feet and you weren't fond of height and being un-athletic was one of your key traits (the only reason you agreed to this game was to get Reo to shut up). You braced yourself to scoot off only to be jerked back and have Akashi tower over you with fire in his eyes.

"Are you so desperate to try to win that you would put your health and safety at risk and attempt to jump eleven feet? You're one of the clumsiest girls at this school and you know that you would get hurt by pulling that stunt." He harshly scolded.

The memory of Aomine whining that Akashi was a mother hen came back to you and you sheepishly smiled. "Sorry, Seijuro-kun,"

Akashi pulled you to your feet and closely inspected you for any signs of injury then cupped your cheek. "Never try to do that again."

"I promise," you obeyed, nodding. You sighed and subconsciously leaned into his hand. "So when do I start serving you?"

"Tomorrow. A maid will bring you to my house at six and your time will start then." Akashi smirked and leaned down and whispered against your ear, "What do you think of cats, (Y/N)?"


You have never felt so humiliated in your life. Walking hand-in-hand with Akashi, you doted black cat ears and a (F/C) collar with '(L/N) (Y/N), personal property of Akashi Seijuro' written on the silver tag attached to it. Your face burned as you heard people whispering about you and wanted nothing more than to crawl in a hole and forget this ever happened. Akashi wasn't bothered at all and glared at anyone that dared to look at him in the eye.

Akashi didn't make you do that much at first. He would order you to bring him items and to stay at his side at all times. Days progressed and you would have to kiss his cheek every time you parted to go to separate classes and wear outfits he picked out after school. His dominance kink grew steadily hour by hour and he was relishing the fact that you couldn't use your puppy dog face to try to persuade him.

On Friday, Akashi had you pinned down on the gym bleachers while he suckled on your collarbones. Your face was flushed as he left dark marks on your lower neck and you were pursing your lips together in a straight line, trying to contain your moans. The rest of the team was in the locker room getting ready for practice and Akashi stopped with a gentle kiss and readjusted your shirt's collar so the bruises wouldn't show.

"Good girl," he purred, playing with your kitty ears. "Now go get the basketballs out because the others will be ready in one minute."

"Of course, Seijuro-kun," you said, bowing your head.

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