3. Aomine Daiki: Break the Mask

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3. Aomine Daiki: Break the Mask

You were the famous kuudere student council vice president, (L/N) (F/N). Students looked up to you and teachers praised you wherever you went in the school. Everyone respected you and if they needed help they would go to you and you would make it happen. Add the fact that you were stunningly beautiful and confessions came to you left and right, you were easily one of the most popular girls in school.

"But who cares about that?" You sighed to yourself.

You just got finished with a mountain of paperwork since the secretary was gone for two weeks and left the stuffy clubroom. Your head ached as you squinted into the sunlight and you rubbed your aching hand. The president, Horimiya Sota, had a policy that all official documents had to be signed at least three times or he would turn it down. You frowned at the thought of your overly eccentric senpai and bought a drink from the vending machine outside of the gym.

A pink-haired girl saw you and rushed out of the gym to where you were. She bowed at a 90° degree angle and you raised your eyebrows. "Ah, (L/N)-san! I need your help!"

"Momoi Satsuki, yes?" You checked. You opened the can of (Y/F/D) and took a sip. "What do you need help with?"

"You know Dai-ch- I mean Aomine Daiki, right?" She asked. You nodded. "Well, he's been skipping basketball practice a lot lately and we need him since the Winter Cup is coming up. Could you talk some sense into him, please?"

"Of course," you agreed, waving your hand. "He'll be down in a few minutes."

"Thank you, (L/N)-san!" Momoi squealed. "He's up on the school roof top."

You said your goodbyes and headed up to the said place. According to your knowledge, he was a tall tanned teenager with a sour attitude and skipped his classes on a daily basis. He was a basketball prodigy from Teikou's 'Generation of Miracles' but he didn't even care for the sport anymore. The only reason he was attending Tōō was because the coach of the team said he didn't have to get good grades. He was infamous for carrying around erotic magazines and bullied your friend, Sakurai.

Your eyes narrowed as you opened the door and walked onto the roof. You didn't see him anywhere and circled the area before finding the latter that led higher up. Putting your things down, you climbed up and rolled your eyes when you found the bluenette sprawled out on the ground sleeping. Putting your hands on your hips, you walked over to him and plucked the magazine off his face and held it behind your back.

"Aomine-san, wake up." You ordered.

Aomine stirred and covered his eyes with his hand and scowled at you. "What the hell do you want, vice pres.?"

"The basketball manager wants you at practice. It's important for you to train with your teammates for the Winter Cup. Our team is renowned for being one of the best in Japan. You are not going to be the reason the team fails this year." You explained, your emotionless (E/C) gaze unwavering from his form.

"Why should I practice if I'm going to win anyways?" Aomine retorted. He yawned obnoxiously and put his hands under his head as he shut his eyelids again. "The only one who can beat me, is me."

You rolled up the magazine and whacked him over the head with it. "Aho! Do you actually think that you're going to go through your whole life undefeated?"

"Damn it, woman! What's wrong with you?" Aomine barked, swatting the magazine away. "Plus I'm not a normal basketball player. I don't lose."

"During the Inter-High Tournament you weren't exactly breezing by Seirin's power forward, were you?" You hissed. His eyes widened for a moment and you knew you had his attention. "Unlike you, I'm sure he's practicing everyday trying to do his best so he can play with his team and win the Winter Cup. He relies on teamwork and takes help from others while you just sit here lazing around and barely put any effort into the games you play."

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