A Little Bit of Gratitude

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Part 10 of the Student Council

Also one more day till Season 2!!!!!

(y/n)'s pov

I came to school the next day since I got better. I barely have any memory of what happened yesterday when I was sick, so I hope nothing terrible happened. All I can remember was the bitter taste of cough medicine.

The five of us were in the council room just hanging out to pass our meeting. Since we already finished managing the school's terms, all we had to do left was to kill time.

Me and (f/n) were busy playing cards while Emma and Norman were talking about this new store that opened up, that sold healthy stuff like salads. Ray was on his computer, typing an essay.

I looked at the clock. We had ten minutes left. "(f/n) do you have an eight?" I asked.

"Go fish," she replied. I took a card out of the pile. So far I had three pairs and nine cards in my hands.

We've been playing Go-Fish for the past twenty minutes. I could tell (f/n) was getting bored, from the way she was blowing her hair out of her face.

I heard Norman stand up so we all looked at him at the same time.

"Guys, a meteor shower will be happening on January 16!" he said enthusiastically. Norman recently joined the Astronomy Club, so he's been really into celestial objects and stuff like that. Like last year, he kept posting on his story pictures of the Great Conjunction.

"Very cool," Ray answered looking from his laptop. "I do hope you don't miss it."

"Wait, isn't Ray's birthday the day before that?" I asked. (a/n- I actually learned that his real birthday is Feb 5, because apparently, the 15th was a fake one. So to not confuse anyone I'll just keep it as is.)

"Wow, I'm surprised you even remember, (y/n)," (f/n) said, punching my shoulder lightly. I completely regret even recalling that piece of information. I shook my head at her.

"Ooh, maybe we should have a camping trip this weekend then!" Emma suggested. "We can see the stars too, and even celebrate his birthday!"

"That's a great idea!" Norman said. "We can travel to the mountains and hike and even swim in the river."

"Um, sorry, but what about my younger sister?" I asked. "My parents are on a business trip for the entire month."

"Then she can just come with us," (f/n) said. "This will be so much fun."

"Then I'll join and bring my tent," I said, fully on board with the idea.

"Ray, you're in right?" Emma asked.

He sighed. "You guys would probably never bother me if I refused so, yeah I guess I'll go," he said.

"Perfect. Then it's settled," Emma said. "Our spontaneous weekend camping vacation is official!"


"What do you think he'll like on his birthday?" I asked (f/n), who was laying on the couch. I also asked Lily earlier if she wanted to come, and she excitedly nodded. She even packed all her stuff too. She was next to (f/n) on one of the armchairs, looking at her iPad.

"I don't know," she answered. "Probably something practical? You know how he is."

I groaned. Buying presents are sometimes the hardest thing in the world. "I don't want to buy anything too extravagant."

"Then you should make him something," Lily said.

I smiled at the thought. "Then what should I make?"

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