Random Headcanons about Ray

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So story time. Today was my academic decathlon and let me tell you, it was an experience.

I won 1st place in my individual out of twenty-six schools, in Current Events!! And congrats to Kate and Andrew for winning 1st in Literature and Science.

Because of this, I thought it would be nice to at least create some headcanons before I go back to studying.

So, academic nationals are gonna be hella fun!

Would be a black coffee/milk tea drinker

Likes taking nighttime strolls

I don't know why, but I feel like he knows how to use chopsticks, buts it's really difficult for him.

Could become a lawyer when he grows up

Buys ice cream in the movie theaters

When someone cuts him while driving on the road, he flips them off or something

You know those Shen Yun posters that you see everywhere? Yeah he has a fear of that

A milk before cereal person

Lives at the library

If not the library, lives in his room

Buys takeout every other day

Walking encyclopedia, and says random facts that are useful to know

Reads romance manga (Although he doesn't want anyone to know)

Gets paranoid easily

Steps in rain puddles no matter how deep it is

Forgets umbrellas a lot

Has really deep 3 am thoughts about the universe

Sometimes creates false excuses so he doesn't have to leave his house

Even though he acts indifferent, he cares :)


Hope you enjoyed this quick chapter! From this point, I will be returning on March 21.

Thank you for 99k reads and goodbye for now!

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