The Mountain Trail

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Part 12 of the Student Council

Ray's pov

Last night, I kept spiraling thinking that I did something bad, or morally wrong. I stayed up trying to reminisce what happened.

"Good morning, (y/n)," I said as I walked out of my tent. It was a chilly morning, so she was wearing a scarf. But this time, a purple one, not the blue one she usually wears. She was sitting on a log, with Lily.

"Oh, hello Ray," she said politely. Yep, something's definitely wrong. She wouldn't just nicely greet me like that.

Her smile was sweet. It looked so courteous that I couldn't help but notice her eyes. They shined, like a crystal ball. It almost seemed like she was holding in her tears. (y/n) was smiling but her eyes were just the epitome of melancholy. It was an expression of false happiness.

I was about to ask her if anything was wrong, but then she waved and exclaimed, "Hi, Norman!"

Ouch. That kinda hurt. "Hey (y/n), did you have a good sleep?" he said as he walked to where we were.

Norman proceeded to sit next to her. I sat across them, eating leftover grilled corn.

"Pst!" I heard. I thought it was a fly so I swatted my arm, but it was actually Lily.

(y/n)'s upset with you, she mouthed, hiding her hand. I looked at (y/n), and she just seemed cheerful. Too cheerful.

Why? I mouthed back. I finished my corn so I threw it away in a garbage can. When I came back, Lily just shrugged.

"Sorry, my lips are sealed," she said out loud, shaking her head.

"Aw, come on Lily," I asked, crouching in front of her. "For me?"

She turned her head haughtily the other way before crossing her arms. "I abide by sisters before misters, so have a nice day, goodbye." (f/n) and Emma woke up. I waved and they tiredly greeted me back.

"So (y/n), do you want to start hiking while the grass is still fresh with dew?" Norman asked. This was planned, I could tell. (y/n) nodded and they were on their way.

"Lily is something wrong with (y/n)?" (f/n) asked sitting next to her. The foggy clouds started to dissipate and I could actually see the blue sky.

Lily seemed to be contemplating. "She's alright, she's just a little tired."

By tired, (y/n) is probably having the time of her life with Norman. "Well, I'm just going to be journaling plants, so I'm out."

"Can I come too?" Emma asked. "I need a way to energize myself."

"Sure, (f/n), do you wanna maybe tag along?" I inquired but she shook her head.

"No, it's fine," she excused, "I was never much of an outdoorsy person anyway."

Emma and I went on the same trail as Norman and (y/n). We were on our way up the mountain.

(f/n)'s pov

"Lily, something happened to (y/n)," I said quietly, just so she can hear. People can be eavesdropping by the trees for all I know. "Come over here."

We walked to a place with a lot of rocks so we could talk without whispering. "You could tell?" she said. So she knew what was going on.

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