The Yellow Clover Flowers

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Requested by kitten_mafiaGang

genre - normal au, child reader x child ray, fluff, slight angst

note-the older kids in this story are original characters

Author's pov

It was currently 2040. Emma, Norman, Ray, and (y/n) were about six going on seven years old. From two years old, these four showed great signs of brilliance. 

Emma's capability to learn quickly, Norman's intellect, Ray's strategy, and (y/n)'s perceptiveness. These four made up Gracefield's cream of the crop. 

One day, Ray and (y/n) sat together by the tree that grew outside the house. All the other children were playing tag, including Emma and Norman. (y/n) created a flower crown out of yellow clover flowers that sprouted along with the garden. Weeds, Mama would've called them. But to her, they were the gems of a princess. 

On the other hand, Ray kept to himself. He supposedly enjoyed reading, mostly about fantasy. (y/n) noticed he also indulged in nonfiction, such as information works about mechanics. He sometimes teased her for still liking fairytales, but she didn't let herself get bothered.

"Hey!" an older kid, named Joey said. "Are you two just gonna sit there forever?" 

"Yeah and what about it?" Ray answered sharply, evoking stares from two other older children. (y/n) put down her flower crown and looked at the scenery in front of her. 

"Isn't your game starting?" (y/n) spoke. She stood up, as Ray watched her over his book. "You should go back before you're disqualified."

"Oh wow, one of the House's top scorers think she's better than me," Joey teased, eliciting a glare from Ray and (y/n). "I'm terrified."

"Stop that or I'll.." she said and paused. She looked at the yellow blossoms below her. "Stop that or I'll tell Mom!" 

Joey's eyes showed anger. In a second, he pushed (y/n) to the ground, giving her a scab. Ray stood up to help her, and maybe even chase the boy who pushed his friend. 

"Are you okay?" he asked, holding out a hand for her. (y/n) nodded, blinking away the tears that brimmed her eyes when she fell. Some already fell, and she couldn't hide it from Ray. "Wow, that's one nasty wound." 

"Let's go inside and Mama will help you," Ray said, assisting her to the infirmary. "You're going to be alright." 

time skip to twenty minutes later

After Mama tended to (y/n)'s scab, Ray came to pick her up from the clinic. 

"Her leg's still hurting, so make sure to be careful with her," she advised him. He nodded and met (y/n). She was standing behind Mama, and when she stepped out, Ray noticed the band-aid on her knee. The blood was cleaned away, and she looked fine. 

"Do you feel okay?" he asked her, slipping his hand into hers. Ray could feel Mama's piercing eyes bore a hole down his back. He could almost hear her laughing at the two of them, but Ray shook the thought out of his mind. 

"Yeah, I'm good," (y/n) replied. Ray observed that she wasn't limping, and wondered how well did his mother treat her. "The other kids should be back now."

The two reached the dining room and helped their friends clean the area.

the next day

(y/n) and Ray continued their daily routine of accompanying each other while the others played games. (y/n) watched a white butterfly flit around between them. She was wearing the flower crown she made yesterday as Ray engrossed himself with a new book. 

"Hey, it's the two weirdos again!" they heard Joey exclaim from the distance. Him again, (y/n) remembered from yesterday. Just the thought made her wince in pain again. "Look Billy, the top prodigies are being all lovey-dovey like the day before!"

This time, Ray went up to them. (y/n) stood up as well, and stayed under the tree. 

"Aren't you going to be adopted next week?" Ray asked, looking up. "So stop bothering us till then. You won't ever have to deal with us again when you're gone, yeah?"

Joey had no words. His friends didn't even back up, because it was true. He was getting ready to leave soon, and Ray knew why. He knew the secret of the House but refused to tell his friends until they were older. 

Ray wanted to protect them. He wanted to save them all, and escape together. But the more he realized, the more he knew the fact that it was just a childish dream. An idealist statement. 

It was impossible. 

He didn't want to believe that. He just wanted to live, and he did, in return for being a traitor. Mama used him, and he thought he was the worst person who ever lived. Selling out his best friends? 


So he decided that he'll die that fated day six years later. He memorized his "I'm-sorry's" in advance, so he wouldn't cry in front of them. Norman, Emma, (y/n). Those three were his light. His will to live. And he just wanted one more thing before he perishes in a fire.

I just want to make (y/n) smile while I'm still here. I don't want to see her cry ever again. 

"(y/n)," Ray said, causing her to look at him. He walked back to her. "I'm going to make a promise with you."

"Okay," she responded, a little confused. She looked past his shoulder and saw that Norman and Emma were running back, as energetic as ever. 

"I promise that from this point on, I'll protect you," he said seriously. "From bullies, from bad people, and everything. I'll be your knight-in-shining armor." 

"Thank you then," (y/n) answered. She really didn't know what to say that, except with being grateful. "I'll promise something too."

"I, (y/n) of Gracefield, promise to always be by your side," she said nobly. (y/n) proceeded to carefully take off her flower crown and place it on Ray's head. He almost sneezed because of the pollen. "This crown will be the proof of our warrant." 

The two walked inside, as they were greeted by Mama. She didn't seem to notice the flower crown of Ray's head. Or at least, she pretended to not notice. 

Ray watched as (y/n) laughed, despite her band-aid falling off. He wished he could keep accompanying her, wherever she goes. But the best he can do is guarantee her survival through his mother. 

If I won't survive past twelve, then please, he thought. Permit  (y/n) to reside peacefully, free of any worries. She doesn't deserve to die, so let her live for me.


Again, this was requested by kitten_mafiaGang

I wasn't really intending this to be sad, but more like a fluff. You can create a happy ending, maybe where both (y/n) and Ray escape. 

Have a lovely day/night!

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