The Sparkle in his Eyes

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(This wasn't requested by anyone, but during Thanksgiving, my cousin gave me ideas for one-shots. So this was one of her suggestions. This will be a short little one-shot that I hope you all will enjoy.)

genre-fluff, normal au

(y/n's pov)

Two days after Emma and Norman went to deliver Conny, they told me what they saw. Apparently, Conny was killed and this whole House of ours is actually a farm. I honestly wasn't surprised after all the strange aspects I've been noticing. Like when Sister Krone mentioned something about a harvest. It was pretty weird. But once I pieced everything together, it all made sense.

They also told Ray, and now we're debating whether we should tell Don and Gilda. But in the meantime, we are planning on training the younger kids by "playing tag."

We decided on playing in teams. Since Norman is the seeker, Emma, Ray, and I will lead the children through the forest.

"Alright, so we're all split into teams?" Emma asked. Ray nodded but I shook my head.

"I wasn't put in one yet," I said. "It's alright, I'll just help Norman with-"

"No it's fine, (y/n) can be with me," Ray said over me. Emma agreed and I said yes as well.

We walked over to our separate group of kids. I patted some of their hair.

"(y/n) is joining us?" a little girl exclaimed. I was about to respond but Ray answered before me.

"She is so we can have a higher chance of winning. Make sure you try your best too," he said, reassuring the child. He straightened up and set the timer. The game has started.

We heard Norman and the other group of kids count to thirty as Emma's group and our group split in two. We quickly ran through the trees, careful to not accidentally hurt the kids.

Ray heard the almost silent patter of feet enter the forest. Norman's group was here. Ray held out a hand and put a finger to his lips. The kids instantly quieted. I hope Emma's okay. I held one of the kid's hands and we all slowly crept through the bushes, making sure we cover our tracks.

I looked behind us and suddenly, Norman burst through the trees. The children scattered without a command, and I was about to run as well until I felt a familiar hand grasp my wrist.

Ray and I started running through the forest like our life depended on it. I heard Norman right behind us, but we stayed calm and dashed through the leaves. I looked at Ray and he had this determined look on his face. His arm tightly held my wrist, so I adjusted it so he instead he held my hand, because it was getting a little uncomfortable.

I glanced behind us and Norman was nowhere to be seen.

"Ray! Norman's gone," I said, trying to catch my breath. We both panted slightly, looking around.

"Hm, we lost the kids," he stated. He was right. All the kids scattered away. We were now all alone. "Here come with me."

He took my hand once more and led me to a tall tree. "If we climb it, we'll have high ground to scout. And we can always jump off if Norman's group comes."

He gestured toward the tree and said, "Ladies first."

I nodded and climbed it. The branch was wide enough to hold the two of us. I sat on one side and extended my hand to Ray's. I helped him up to the tree. It was a bit awkward because we were so close to one another.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked. I looked around. Nothing, in particular, stood out to me. Ray just hummed and shrugged in response.

A few minutes of silence fell. I entertained myself by counting birds, trees, leaves, and a lot of other things. Ray started humming a melody.

"That's a pretty song," I said, turning to him. He stopped humming and looked at me. We suddenly face-to-face with each other, with probably only three inches between us. I instantly looked down, my cheeks flushed.

"I learned it from Mom," he said after what just happened. "She usually hums it when she tends to the kids under five. And uh, are you okay? Your face is pretty red."

"No, I'm fine! It's just a little hot, that's all," I answered quickly, still looking down on my lap.

"(y/n), it's October and nowhere near warm." He peered at me, and on instinct, I looked away. "Are you sure you're okay?"

I nodded and peeked upward to him. Ray seemed to be watching his surroundings. Once I felt my inner temperature go back to normal, I looked back up. I saw a yellow butterfly flit above us and watched it until I heard Ray say something.

"Were you embarrassed?" he spoke. I immediately glimpsed toward him. "It's fine if you were, it was cute."

"What?" I replied, confused. I sat up straight and his eyes met mine. But when his words registered in my mind, I instantly became a blushing mess.

I looked away, and the butterfly was gone. "You heard what I say (y/n), were you embarrassed?"

"A-About what?" I answered. I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"You became red when you complimented Mom's song," he explained. "Why is that?"

I see how it is. He's trying to lead me into some sort of slip-up. I have to be careful with what I say because anything could be turned against me.

"You were probably seeing things," I replied. I saw the side of his mouth rise slowly into a smirk. I tried to ignore his expression.

"Oh really?" he inquired. I probably look like a tomato or something. I glanced back to Ray and it felt like his eyes were shooting lasers through me. He leaned forward, and my whole body was suddenly paralyzed.

He leaned even closer as if to inspect my face. He tilted his head slightly like he was thinking. "Not even flustered?" He whispered. But when I felt his fingers lightly hold my chin, that took me out of my trance.

I swiftly swerved to the side, completely forgetting we were on a tree. The two of us proceeded to fall off, dirt staining our white clothes.

I groaned. That was quite a fall. Two seconds later, I quickly realized I fell on Ray and was on top of him, so I rapidly stood up. Why does this always happen to me?

I felt really bad for falling on him so I lent a hand toward him.

"Sorry, uh are you okay?" I asked. He combed his hair with his fingers slightly.

"I've been better," he answered, taking my hand. But before I can pull him up, he firmly grasps my hand and pulls me toward him. "That's what you get for making the both of us fall."

"I said I was sorry!" I exclaimed. Ray ignored my apology and stood up. He outstretched his hand and I looked at it skeptically.

"No funny business," I said before taking it. He helped me up as I used my free hand to dust off some dirt from my clothes. I didn't realize he was staring at me the whole time until I peered at him.

At first look, Ray's eyes seemed black, like midnight. His eyes seemed to be as dark as nighttime in these sandy places that people called "deserts." But if you focus closer, they're actually dark green. Like a haunted forest bathed in moonlight.

There was a mischievous glint dwelled in his pupils. It sparkled rarely. But I got to witness how the glimmer danced around his iris, like how sliver fish swim in a black lake during the night. It made his whole character more lively and friendly. It's funny how much you can find about someone just by gazing into their eyes.

I got so lost in his eyes that I didn't realize someone snuck up on us until the put their hands on both our shoulders. We immediately turned around to a smiling Norman.

" I found you two lovebirds."


I hope you enjoyed reading this and have a nice day/night!

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